Mr. C's and the Good Place
Rhetorical and Literary Devices
Thank You, Ma'am
American Modernism Part I
A little bit of everything

The tutoring days held weekly by Mr. C

What are Tuesday's and Thursdays?


These three aspects of writing are required in any written short answer response. 

What are claim, evidence, and reasoning?


The author of this short story.

Who is Langston Hughes?


This Manhattan neighborhood was the center of the artistic creation and expression for the black community during the early 20th century and included such notable authors as Langston Hughes, Claude McKay and Zora Neal Hurston Jones.

What is Harlem?


When a character, writer, or narrator directly states a quality of a person within the text.

What is direct characterization?


This location carries all necessary materials required of a student regardless of their preparedness.

What is the student supply table?


This literary device was used by William Shakespeare in the following line: 

"It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,

5Who is already sick and pale with grief,"

What is metaphor?


Roger wishes to thank Ms. Jones for this reason

What is trusting him despite his actions?


The artistic movement of the early 20th century that focused on precise imagery and description of the mundane and meaningful that featured authors such as Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams.

What is Imagism?


This era of American History featured women in flapper dresses, bob haircuts, and dancing to big band jazz. 

What is the Roaring Twenties?

This day signifies the aging of Mr. Cuellar from 32 to 33.

What is September 30th?


This 1996 smash hit, "Ironic" by Alanis Morissette ironically features not a hint of irony within it's lyrics making it a prime example this type of irony.

What is situational irony?


This literary device is used by the author in order to instill the sense of anxiety and fear within this character. 

What is repetition?


These expatriate authors lived their lives throughout Europe, writing, drinking, and dealing with the aftermath of World War I and the excess wealth and comfort that followed prior to The Great Depression

Who is the lost generation?


The full name of the woman who showed kindness to Roger

Who is Luella Bates Washington Jones?

The reward for success involves an extra credit grade/replacement grade, a soda from the teachers lounge and immortality on the list of champions.
What are the results of beating Mr. C at chess?

Carefully crafted but subtly implied inferences drawn by the audience through the minute diction, actions, and words of people that populate a novel. 

What is indirect characterization?


This factored heavily into Ms. Jones accepting Roger and choosing to help him. 

What are Ms. Jones' own checkered past of theft and worse. 


During this era, the struggle for worker's rights, social reform and the struggle of everyday people became the primary focus. 

What is the Great Depression?

Among the most notable works of this period are: The Invisible Man, Their Eyes were Watching God, A Raisin in the Sun, Fences, "I, Too", and On Broadway. 

What is the Harlem Renaissance?


These two core values are what Mr. C values most.

What are communication and productivity?


Literary works of the early 20th century often featured these ideals regarding social status, decay and ruination, heroism in the face of insurmountable odds, and the usurpation of antiquated notions of gender roles, as well as excess. 

What are themes?


The theme of the short story is best described as this.

What is People are more likely to learn and practice good behavior when it is taught to them with kindness.


Modernism primarily experimented with these aspects and techniques of writing:

What is point of view, fragmentation, and stream of consciousness writing. 


Mr. C's alma mater (schools he attended)

What is Weslaco East High School and/or University of Texas Pan American