Context clues
Main idea

This term refers to the identifier that let the reader know you are about to use a quote.

What is a signal phrase


The festival was bright and colorful, but Danny's clothes were PALLID and lacked vibrancy.

What is the definition of PALLID?

  1. unaware
  2. hostile
  3. dull
  4. direct



What is an inference?

a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.


There are many fun things to do at the beach. Swimming is one thing that can be done at the beach. Snorkeling is another thing that can be enjoyed. Playing beach volleyball can be a lot of fun. It is also fun to look for shells. Some people simply like to sunbathe. 

A.There are many fun things to do at the beach.

B.It is also fun to look for shells.

C.Some people simply like to sunbathe.

D.Going to the beach to swim can be fun.

A.There are many fun things to do at the beach.


Name three types of acceptable evidence

What are:





“There was nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.” Which word in this quoted sentence indicates the couple’s poverty?

  1. nothing
  2. flop
  3. shabby
  4. howl



Grandpa sees that his chocolate cake is all gone.  Brad has crumbs on his mouth. What do you think happened?

A. Brad baked his own cake.

B. Brad needs to brush his teeth better.

C. Brad ate Grandpa's chocolate cake.

D. Brad ate Grandpa


Brad ate Grandpa's chocolate cake.


Were you born after 1985? If so, how long do you expect to live? Most people born after 1985 can expect to live more than 70 years. Of course, this is just a guess based on past records. By the way, females can expect to live about six years longer than males. That’s taken from past records too!

What is the paragraph mostly about?

A.how long you might expect to live

B.about the health of females

C.why people live to be 70

D.tells that people live to be 100

A.how long you might expect to live


In order to select the best evidence for your claim what must it do

Support the claim being made


What does the word JEOPARDIZE most likely mean?

  1. design
  2. put at risk
  3. play with
  4. excuse

Put at risk


Many animals in the forest eat insects. Why might one kind of insect look like a stick?

A.To stand out in the forest

B.To blend into the forest

C.To warn animals not to eat it

D.To move faster in the trees


B.To blend into the forest


Being a clown isn't all fun and games. Rodeo clowns expose themselves to great danger every time they perform. When cowboys dismount or bulls buck them off, rodeo clowns jump in front of the bulls and motion wildly to get their attention. In this way rodeo clowns provide an alternate target, and in doing so protect the rider. Of course, this is a very dangerous thing to do. So you see, sometimes clowning around can be serious business.

A.Sometimes clowns can mean serious bussiness.

B.Rodeo clowns protect cowboys by putting themselves in danger.

C.Cowboys and Rodeo Clowns are constantly in danger.

D.A Rodeo bull's attention is easily caught by Rodeo clowns.


B.Rodeo clowns protect cowboys by putting themselves in danger.


Which piece of evidence could be used to BEST support this claim: High school students should be required to wear uniforms.

A.When adding everything up, a school uniform could end up costing more than $200.

B.A student reported, "Allowing us to wear our own clothes gives us a chance to show our unique style and independence."

C.At one school that recently required students to wear uniforms, attendence rates went up, and behavior incidents went down.

D.School uniforms can be ordered online .


At one school that recently required students to wear uniforms, attendance rates went up, and behavior incidents went down.


In times of crisis, police officers must appear nonchalant while helping upset citizens.

In this sentence, nonchalant means:

  1. calm
  2. high strung
  3. panic
  4. unconcerned



What information is used to draw inferences?

Prior knowledge and information given to you from the text


The range of a bird refers to the area over which it flies. some birds are able to fly great distances, and range over almost the whole world. Other birds have a very small range. they travel over areas smaller than one hundred miles. What is the main idea? 

A.Where to find a bird range

B.Why birds like to travel

C.How bird ranges differ

C.How bird ranges differ


Stephen and Joseph Montgolfier were papermakers, but they had been interested in flying for many years. One night, in 1782, Joseph noticed something that gave him an idea. He was sitting in front of the fire when he saw some small pieces of scorched paper being carried up the chimney.Soon afterwards, the brothers conducted an experiment. They lit a fire under a small silk bag, which was open at the bottom; at once, the bag rose to the ceiling. After this, Stephen and Joseph conducted many more experiments, both indoors and in the open air. Eventually, they built a huge balloon of linen and paper. On June 5th, 1783, they launched their balloon in the village of Annonay.
Which sentence in this article provides text evidence for the inference that the Montgolfier brothers used hot air to lift their balloon?

A.Eventually, they built a huge balloon of linen and paper.

B.They lit a fire under a small silk bag, which was open at the bottom; at once the bag rose to the ceiling.

C.On June 5th, 1783, they launched their balloon in the village of Annonay.

D. One night, in 1782, Joseph noticed something that gave him an idea.


B.They lit a fire under a small silk bag, which was open at the bottom; at once the bag rose to the ceiling.


The defendant felt vindicated when the truth became known and all charges were dropped against him.

In this sentence, vindicated means:

  1. cleared from blame
  2. cleared from obligation
  3. cleared from peer pressure
  4. cleared from expectations

cleared from blame


Joseph and Caitlin were choosing the players for their teams. It was Caitlin's turn to choose, and only Jason was left. Caitlin said, "Jason."

A. Jason was the best player.

B. Caitlin wanted Jason on her team.

C. Jason was not a very good player.

D. Caitlin had a hard time choosing a team member.


C. Jason was not a very good player.


When we think of seaweed, we usually picture brown or green plants a foot or so in length. Seaweeds are also of other colors. Some are red. Some kinds grow to lengths of a hundred feet! These form giant seaweed forests, where many kinds of fish take shelter. What is the main idea? 

A.Why some seaweed grows so large

B.What seaweed is like

C.Why seaweed is red

B.What seaweed is like