What is the TRAP/TRAC model?
Trigger, Response, Avoidance Pattern
Trigger, Response, Active/Alternative Coping
moving away from avoidance and into healthy & effective coping skills
What does STOP stand for?
T- Take a breath/take a step back
O- Observe
P- Proceed Mindfully
Is it effective to end relationships in emotion mind?
No. It's more helpful to end relationships in wise mind
What is the goal of ABC PLEASE?
What is an example of opposite action for the following:
1. Fear that leads to avoidance
2.Anger that leads to aggression
3. Sadness that leads to isolation
1. lean into or face the fear, do not avoid
2. practice mindfulness, take a walk before reacting, use skills to regulate before engaging
3. get active, reach out to supports
What type of activities often decrease in frequency or become more challenging due to depression?
A. Enjoyable
B. Value-based
C. Routine
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
When might the STOP skill be effective?
-when you're noticing a quick, emotional reaction to an event
-when you're experiencing overwhelming feelings
- when you want to choose a more effective behavior
What are some reasons to end relationships?
-not supportive
-negatively effects mental health
-cost of leaving is greater than the cost of staying
-interferes with quality of life
Why do we want to bulid mastery?
-increases our sense of control
-increases self confidence
-reduces depression
-helps us feel more purposeful and value-driven
Acting opposite to our emotions can help to (increase or decease) ________________ the intensity of unwanted emotions.
Why does avoidance happen?
-struggling to manage difficult emotions
-negative self talk gets in the way
-low motivation/low energy
-feels easier than to engage
What does VITALS stand for?
V-validate your feelings
T- take small steps
A-applaud yourself
L-lighten the load
S-sweeten the pot
-increases support system
-increases social engagement
-decreases isolation and avoidance
If we create a COPE AHEAD plan, will the outcome always be what we planned?
When do we use this skill?
-emotion does not fit the facts of the situation
-emotion is too intense
-emotion has lasted "too long"
-acting on the emotion will not be effective in the situation
What are some ways to decrease avoidance and depression?
-engage in BAs
-keep up with ADLs
-opposite action!!
What is an example of "lightening the load"?
-delegate tasks to others
-prioritize certain tasks and choose only a few to do per day
What is a strategy or coping skill we can use when ending a relationship?
-Be direct
P- physical illness
L- limit screen time
E-mindful eating
A- avoid mood-altering drugs/substances
S- balanced sleep
E- get exercise
How might one use opposite action if they are socially isolating or socially withdrawing?
-reach out to a friend for a phone call or to plan a hangout/date
How might you recognize that you're engaging in an avoidance pattern?
-difficult thoughts and feelings are still present
-not actively coping with the trigger
-same level of anxiety is present or there is an increase in anxiety when thinking about the situation
At what level of anxiety are the STOP and VITALS skill most effective?
low to medium levels of anxiety ( 0 - 4)
What are some ways to support a friend in a relationship? how do you feel supported in a relationship?
-help them reach a goal
-offer encouragement and support
-help them and be there when they reach out or ask for help
-assisting them with making healthy choices
-build trust and good communication
Why is physical health important?
-helps to stabilize mood
-increases healthy hormones (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine)
-assists with sleep and good eating habits
What are some questions we can ask ourselves to determine if opposite action will be helpful?
1. Does the emotion fit the facts?
2. Will acting on this emotion or urge be effective in this situation?
3. Do I want to change this emotion?