List the paid holidays in January.
What does TUFLOV stand for?
Line up Steps
Online docs
Admin has a student with duplicate records.
Template: Merge
Parent says their child did not get their confirmation email. Where do you start?
> Students
An Admin wants to add Manager title to a student athlete.
Manage > Sports
Where do you request time off?
Who do we respond to first?
FF Staff
An Admin needs to assign a permission to a coach.
Naw - coaches don't get assigned permissions
Secretary needs to contact a coach at the high school.
> Staff
An Admin wants to make a Group not visible to parents
> Groups > Edit page
How much PTO does an employee earn in a year?
Who do we respond to second?
School Staff
Admin needs to change the custody of a student.
A Spanish speaking parent needs the Admin to enable translation on their formset.
How many students are on the Chess Club Roster?
What is a core value of FinalForms?
Elevate Education
Which Tag identifies a potential future feature suggested by an Admin?
Parent wants a refund.
Template - refund
Where can an Admin see how many 3 sport Athletes they have?
FastDash - Dashboard Mode ATH
An Admin added collected a payment from a student in the office and applied it to the wrong sport. Where does she correct this?
>Payment History
How would you describe what FinalForms does in 3 words?
Collect, Verify, Distribute (information)
In the following sentence which word gets capitalized:
Please add a student on the my students page.
Student & My Students
Admin says she needs to switch the email addresses for a student's parents.
Template - Parent switch
An AT wants to review the student's injury information from last night's game.
> Medical Reports
The Athletic Secretary wants to notify the Seniors to return their football equipment