What is the Sanskrit word for non-violence and give an example for how to practice it in the real world?
What does Om Akhanda mean?
The vibration of oneness
What is the first limb of the 8 limbed path in both English and Sanskrit?
Yamas - moral discipline / external observances/ what not to do
Who is the speaker of the Bhagavad Gita?
What is the Sanskrit name for Shining Skull breath?
What is the Sanskrit word for Purity or Cleanliness and give an example of how you would practice that in the real world
What are the 5 elements that make up a holistic om akhanda yoga class?
philosophy, pranayama, mantra, meditation and asana
What is the Sanskrit name for the 8-limbed path of yoga?
Who is the main listener to the teachings in the Bhagavad Gita?
What is the Sanskrit name for Ocean Breath or Victorious Breath?
What is the Sanskrit word for non-stealing and give an example of how to practice it in the real world?
What are the 3 types of physical adjustments?
To correct, to deepen, to energetically enhance
Which of the 8 limbs involves personal observances and self-discipline?
What does the name "Bhagavad Gita" Translate to?
The Song of God
What is the English name for Honey Bee Breath?
What niyama would studying the Bhagavad Gita fall under?
What are the three types of learners?
1. Visual
2. Auditory
3. Kinesthetic
Which of the following limbs focuses on cultivating an attitude of detachment from external distractions?
What is Arjuna’s main dilemma at the start of the Bhagavad Gita?
He is confused and morally troubled about fighting in the war against his own family members.
What are 3 benefits of Kapalbahti?
purification, detoxifying, cleanses nasal passageways, energizes the body
What are all of the Niyamas in both English and Sanskrit?
Saucha: purity, Santosha: contentment, Tapas: discipline, Svadhyaya: Self study, Ishvara Pranidhana: surrender to the divine
What are the 3 main types of movements that should be included in the warm up to prepare the spine for asana practice?
1. flexion & extension
2. lateral side bending
3. twisting
What are the final four limbs in both English and Sanskrit?
Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi
What are the 4 paths of yoga?
Karma (action), Bhakti (devotion), Jnana (knowledge), Raja (Meditation)
What are 3 benefits of Honey Bee Breath?
relaxes nervous system, calms mind, natural pain killer