School Health
Occupational Health
Forensic Nursing
Faith Community
Correctional Nursing

A week before finals, a school nurse assesses a 15-year-old girl complaining of vague symptoms. All symptoms or behaviors should result in an immediate request for parent or guardian conference and referral to a physician for further evaluation except

A. problems eating or sleeping.

B. problems making decisions.

C. frequent requests for a visit to the school nurse.

D. inability to concentrate.

frequent requests for a visit to the school nurse.


Occupational health nursing is best described as a specialty practice that focuses on

A. providing comprehensive health care service to workers and their families.

B. promoting, preventing, and restoring health within the context of a safe and healthy environment. 

C. preventing adverse effects from occupational and environmental hazards at the workplace.

D. planning, implementing, and evaluating safety programs for workers at the workplace.

promoting, preventing, and restoring health within the context of a safe and healthy environment.


Forensic nursing is best defined as

A. a field of legal nursing in which the nurse works with or for lawyers.

B. a field of correctional nursing in which the nurse works with inmates.

C. investigational nursing in which the nurse works with law enforcement.

D. a link among the health care system, the investigative process, and courts of law

 a link among the health care system, the investigative process, and courts of law


A. In the role of personal health counselor, the faith community nurse would

B. explain how to take a prescribed medication.

C. teach signs and symptoms of hypertension and stroke to the congregation. 

D. train volunteers to work with the parish nurse program.

E. arrange for health screenings through the local health department.

teach signs and symptoms of hypertension and stroke to the congregation


Which nursing intervention is the most appropriate as an initial intervention for a prison inmate?

A. Manage a chronic illness through needed education.

B. Administer the routine medication ordered.

C. Complete the medical history and physical assessment. 

D. Test for HIV and tuberculosis.

 Complete the medical history and physical assessment


A priority health education topic for school-age children is:

A. schoolyard safety.

B. motor vehicle safety.

C. sports safety.

D. immunization schedules.

schoolyard safety.


Which activity implemented by an occupational health nurse would be considered primary prevention?

A. Annual blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes screenings

B. Negotiation with an employer for an onsite fitness program for all employees 

C. Scheduling a mobile mammography van to see employees older than age 40 and their wives

D. Overseeing a weight loss competition among workers who are considered to be morbidly obese

Negotiation with an employer for an onsite fitness program for all employees


A 16-year-old young woman arrives at the local emergency department (ED) early Sunday morning and states, “I was on a date last night, and the last thing I remember was eating dinner with my boyfriend.” She comments that she woke up in her bed with her clothes “messed up” and states, “I just don't feel right down there” as she points to her genital area. She appears medically stable. Which health care provider would be most appropriate to conduct the physical examination?

A. An experienced obstetrical nurse because the patient could be pregnant

B. A SANE (sexual assault nurse examiner) 

C. The physician on call in the ED department

D. An emergency nurse

A SANE (sexual assault nurse examiner)


The faith community nurse must recognize which to be correct concerning church law?

A. The doctrine of separation of church and state exempts churches from discrimination laws.

B. Ministers are required to disclose confidential information in court.

C. Parish nurses are not required to document care given.

D. Volunteers in a church are held to the same degree of accountability as paid employees

Volunteers in a church are held to the same degree of accountability as paid employees


Which is true of adolescents who have been convicted and incarcerated in adult facilities rather than in a juvenile facility?

A. They are less likely to be sexually assaulted.

B. They are usually not attacked by other inmates.

C. They are more likely to commit suicide. 

D. They are less likely to be diagnosed with a mental illness.

 They are more likely to commit suicide.


A school nurse knows that under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a student's health record can be released

A. if the student is not a minor.

B. in an emergency. 

C. to educators not involved in the student's education.

D. without the student's or guardian's permission.

 in an emergency.


Which occupational health nursing intervention would be appropriate secondary prevention strategies?

A, Arrange for the collection of baseline liver function tests if the employee will be working with a chemical known to cause liver toxicity

B. Provide vision, blood pressure, hearing, and cancer screenings on an annual basis

C. Coordinate periodic evaluations to ensure workers are placed in the safest worksite setting

D. All of the above

All of the above


It is vital that the forensic psychiatric nurse be knowledgeable about mental illnesses and personality disorders because

A. the nurse will be diagnosing many of the illnesses.

B. the nurse will work in psychiatric facilities.

C. the nurse may be an expert witness in court. 

D. the nurse will be identifying new cases

 the nurse may be an expert witness in court.


Which intervention is an example of primary prevention in parish nurse practice?

 A. Identifying individuals and families at risk

 B. Assessment and teaching about parenting 

C. Providing education programs

D. Providing resources for rehabilitation

 Assessment and teaching about parenting


Which action is inappropriate for a correctional nurse when testifying in court?

A. Looking the jurors in the eye when answering questions

B. Asking the attorney to repeat a question when not understood

C. Practicing saying difficult medical terms before the court date

D. Interrupting when necessary to verbalize  medical information

Interrupting when necessary to verbalize  medical information


A 10-year-old boy visits the nurse complaining of a headache and nausea. The nurse recognizes the boy from an earlier conference with a teacher about the boy's declining school performance. The nurse has been concerned because the boy's father and mother are recently divorced, and his mother works nights. An appropriate nursing intervention would be to investigate the boy's eligibility for

A. The Nutritional Education and Training Program (NET).

B. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System.

C. Adult and Child Protective Services.

D. Federally funded breakfast and lunch program

 Federally funded breakfast and lunch program


Which occupational health nursing intervention is an appropriate tertiary level strategy?

A. Negotiation of workplace accommodation for a worker with a disability 

B. Work with an employer to build an onsite fitness center

C. Providing health-screening programs to detect conditions that could aggravate the disability of worker

D. Get automated external defibrillators AEDs for the workplace and train workers on how to use them

 Negotiation of workplace accommodation for a worker with a disability


If a forensic nurse was employed in the most widely recognized subspecialty in forensic nursing, which would be the nurse’s primary tasks?

A. Be employed by insurance companies to review and interpret medical records.

B. Complete the death certificate, including causes of death.

C. Do a history and physical assessment and collect evidence. 

D. Review the crime scene for insights with police officers.

 Do a history and physical assessment and collect evidence


When providing care to vulnerable populations, the faith community nurse should

A. avoid involving the congregation in order to avoid legal issues.

B. deal with the issues alone, if possible.

C. refer the person to another resource and avoid getting involved.

D. assess the needs and work with the congregation to meet the health-related needs of the vulnerable population

 assess the needs and work with the congregation to meet the health-related needs of the vulnerable population


While in the prison cafeteria, the nurse witnesses a prisoner being attacked by another inmate with a fork. Which would be the correctional nurse’s first and most crucial responsibility?

A. Perform a complete physical assessment, specifically looking for internal injuries.

B. Maintain an escape route to help ensure personal safety. 

C. Report the incident to administration, indicating who was responsible for injuring the inmate.

D. Stop the bleeding, apply an antibiotic, and bandage the wound.

Maintain an escape route to help ensure personal safety.


A goal set by Healthy People 2030 includes education to middle, junior, and senior high school students in priority areas. These areas include (Select all that apply.)

A. lack of physical activity. 

B. poor nutrition. 

C. alcohol and drug use. 

D. poor organizational skills.

E. injury and violence.

 lack of physical activity. 

 poor nutrition. 

 alcohol and drug use. 

 injury and violence.


Which action of the occupational health nurse is not mandated by state or federal regulations?

A. Maintaining confidentiality of medical records

B. Reporting accusations of sexual harassment to local police 

C. Recording and reporting occupational injuries and illnesses

D. Providing personal protective equipment training

 Reporting accusations of sexual harassment to local police


Which activites are performed by psychiatric forensic nurses? (Select all that apply.)

A. Sanity and competency evaluations 

B. Parole and probation considerations 

C. Sexual predator screening 

D. Assessment of prison health clinics

E. Evaluation of prison nurses

Sanity and competency evaluations 

 Parole and probation considerations 

 Sexual predator screening 


Faith community nurse activities related to end-of-life care include the following: (Select all that apply.)

A. Establishing health care surrogates 

B. Providing home visits to dying congregational members 

C. Providing emotional support to grieving family members 

D. Developing grief support groups 

E. Drawing up and notarizing living wills

Establishing health care surrogates 

 Providing home visits to dying congregational members 

 Providing emotional support to grieving family members 

 Developing grief support groups 


Which communicable diseases found in prison inmates is of ongoing concern? (Select all that apply.)


B. Hepatitis 

C. Tuberculosis 

D. Bronchitis

E. Chlamydia


