Prevention/indications of postoperative complications
DVT, respiratory complications, ileus, wound dehiscence
Post operative assessments and priorities
Postoperative pain management principles

Inform Consent

- Clientʻs understanding and choice to have a treatment/procedure (risks, benefits, alternatives, outcomes)

- Client is aware of procedure, treatment, health-care team, purpose, and expected outcome

- Right to withdraw treatment, medication, operation, etc.


Interventions for Surgical Patients 

- hygiene

- skin prep

- elimination

- nutrition & fluids

- rest & sleep

- safety


Wound Dehiscence

- the opening of a surgical wound either internally or externally 


Safety Considerations 

- fall risk

- aspiration

- DVT/respiratory precautions (VTE preventing blood clots that can move to the lungs)

- impaired cognition 


Outpatient/Same-Day Surgery

- reduces length of hospital stay  cuts costs

- reduces stress for patient 

- may require additional teaching & home care services for certain patients (older patients, chronically ill patients, no support system) 


Inform Consent Information (part 1)

- description of procedure & alternative therapies 

- underlying disease process and natural coarse


Preparing the Patient Through Teaching 

- surgical events & sensations 

- pain management 

- physical activities 


Respiratory Complications 

- atelectasis

- pneumonia

- pulmonary embolism (blood clotting)


Pain Management & Patient Control Analgesia Pump (PCA)

- computerized pump with a syringe of pain medication connected to an IV line

- administer pain medications in small constant flow or self-administered by pressing a button

- educate patient to press button during early onset of pain (acute pain is more manageable than chronic pain)


Outcomes for Surgical Patient (part 1)

- receive respectful, culturally, and age-appropriate care

- free from injury & adverse effects

- free from infection and DVT


Inform Consent Information (part 2)

- name and qualifications of person performing procedure

- explanation of risks and frequency

- explanation of patient's rights to refuse or withdraw consent 

- explanation of expected outcomes, recovery, rehabilitation plan, & course of treatment


Postoperative Physical Activities 

- deep breathing (reduce respiratory complications) 

- coughing (reduce respiratory complications)

- incentive spirometry (reduce respiratory complications)

- leg exercises (reduce DVT)

- repositioning ( reduce pressure injuries, DVT, respiratory complications)

- early ambulations (increase lung expansion, blood flow, pressure relief)



- nausea/vomiting 

- small bowel movement or none

- peristalsis (build up of gas, liquid, or solid contents) 


Indications of Complications 

- nausea/vomiting 

- postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD)

- venous thromboembolism/pulmonary embolism 

- hypotension/hypovolemia 

- atelectasis 

- wound infections

- ileus

- oliguria or astute kidney injury 


Outcomes for Surgical Patient (part 2)

- fluid & electrolyte balance, skin integrity, and normal temperature 

- pain managed 

- demonstrate understanding of physiologic and psychological responses to surgery 

- participate in rehab process 


Preoperative Education (part 1)

- can be extensive 

- goal to prepare and inform patient of what to expect before and after surgery 


Three Phases of General Anesthesia 

- Induction: from administration --> incision 

- maintenance: from incision --> near completion of procedure 

- emergence: when patient emerges from anesthesia & leaving OR


Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

- Leg exercises to reduce DVT

- repositioning in bed to reduce pressure injuries, DVT, and respiratory complications 


Postoperative Assessment & Priorities: Q10-15mins (part 1)

- patient related complications 

- respiratory status 

- cardiovascular status 

- pain management


Surgical Risks of Medications (part 1)

- anticoagulants: predicate hemorrhage 

- diuretics: electrolyte imbalances, respiratory depression from anesthesia


Preoperative Education (part 2)

- develop better understanding of the surgery, feel empowered, experience less pain, & be less anxious 

- client teaching to decrease hospital stay and recovery period 

- pay attention to skin prep and medication orders before surgery


Typical Preoperative Medications 

- sedatives (benzodiazepine-reduce anxiety; reversal agent:flumazenil) 

- anticholingerics (atropine-dies out oral secretions & reduce laryngeal spasms)

- narcotic analgesics (morphine/fentanyl-helps with pain; reversal agent:naloxone)

- hestamine-2 receptor antihistamines (decrees gastric acidity and volume) 


Interventions to Prevent Respiratory Complications

- monitoring vital signs

- implementing deep breathing 

- coughing 

-splinting (using pillow/blanket for chest/abdomen during internal pressure to prevent dishiscence) 

- incentive spirometry 

- reposition Q2hr

- ambulating 

- hydration

- avoid positions that decrease ventilation 

- monitor responses to narcotic analgesics 


Postoperative Assessment & Priorities: Q10-15mins (part 2)

- temperature & vital signs 

- central nervous system status 

- fluid status (I&Os)

- wound/skin status 

- gastrointestinal status (nausea or vomiting) 

- general condition 


Surgical Risks of Medications (part 2)

- tranquilizers: increase hypotensive effects of anesthetic agents 

- adrenal steroids: abrupt withdrawal may cause cardiovascular collapse 

- antibiotics in mycin group: respiratory paralysis when combined with certain muscle relaxants