Ruth was rewarded for her loyalty while working in the fields.
What was food, wine, and easier workload.
This means "house of bread"
What is Bethlehem?
They went to find food and a better place to live (who are they?)
Who are the:
Tribes of Israel or the Israelites?
This body of water is located between the continents Africa and Asia.
What is the Red Sea?
A calendar that follows the sun and breaks each year into 12 months.
What is a solar calendar?
A Jewish holiday.
What is Shavuot?
The place where David was crowned King of Israel.
What is Bethlehem?
This person parted the Red Sea and helped his people escape from Egyptian soldiers.
Who is Moses?
Sailors ___________ (think of a verb) through the Suez Canal, the Gulf of Aqaba or the Indian Ocean.
What is sail or sailing?
A calendar that follows the moon and each month begins with a new moon.
What is a lunar calendar?
Ruth's story is found in this chapter of the Bible.
Jewish people eat this to remember what their ancestors went through during the Exodus.
What is matzah?
The Jewish leader that found a solution to the Hebrew calendar.
Who is Hillel II?
This is another way to say that Ruth's friendship was unwavering.
What is never giving up?
The Jewish holiday that is celebrated for eight days during the Jewish month of Nissan.
What is Passover?
This calendar has 12 months but is 11 days shorter than a solar year.
What is a "lunisolar" calendar?
This caused the Pharaoh released the Israelite slaves.
What are the plagues in Egypt?