What module is dime game in?
Interpersonal Effectiveness
What module are the HOW skills in?
What module are STOP and TIP in?
Distress Tolerance
What module is Accumulating Positive Emotions in?
Emotion Regulation
What is Brittany's dogs name?
What is the purpose of the DIME GAME?
Figuring out how strongly to ask or say no
List the HOW skills
Nonjudgmentally, One-Mindfully, Effectively
What type of distress tolerance skill are STOP and TIP?
Crisis Survival
What is the 1st step in APE: long term?
Step 1: Avoid Avoiding
What is Abby's real name?
Abigail (but call her Abitha)
Give an example of when to use the DIME GAME
What is the purpose of the HOW skills?
To take hold of your mind
List out the STOP skill step by step.
Take a step back
Proceed Mindfully
What is the purpose behind APE: long term?
To make changes in your life based on your values so that positive events will occur in the future.
What are the names of the THREE front desk ladies?
Lisa, Stephanie and Rosi (go tell them hi!)
When do you NOT use the DIME GAME?
When your needs need met immediately OR when you are in crisis.
When can you practice HOW skills?
List the steps of TIP
Tip the temperature
Intense Exercise
Paced Breathing
Paired Muscle Relaxation
Provide an example of APE long term
What does DBT stand for?
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
What happens when your total is a $1.00 in the dime game?
Don't take no for an answer OR Don't do it
Give an example for each of the how skills
example for nonjudgementally, one-mindfully, and effectively
When is TIP the most effective?
When you are in CRISIS (70 or above)
What is the full abbreviation for APE? (Hint.. its not accumulating positive emotions)
What does R.I.S.E. stand for?
Resources, Insight, Support, and Empowerment