Living Environments
American Revolution
Ratios & Proportions
Writing Skills
Fractions & Decimals

When a dog sheds its fur in the spring, it is maintaining this type of internal balance and stability. 

What is homeostasis? 


This Continental Army Captain led a violent uprising against debt collection in Massachusetts. 

Who was Daniel Shays?


Using her garden hose, Makaila filled up a 6-gallon bucket in just 1/3 of a minute. At what rate does water flow through the hose?

18 gallons/minute


An attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.

What is personification?


Malachi is a salesperson. He sold a canoe for $76 and earned 12% commission. How much commission did Malachi earn?



This is a large membrane-enclosed structure that contains DNA.

What is the nucleus? 


This early form of the Constitution governed the colonies after they broke free from Britain, and ultimately failed. What was it, and why did it fail?

The Articles of Confederation; it failed because it was too weak. 


The graph below shows the relationship between cups of coffee and price in dollars. What is the unit rate? 



What is the difference between the main idea and theme?

The main idea summarizes the text, the theme is a universal message that can be drawn from the text and applied to other situations.


A store pays $67 for a cell phone and marks the price up by 30%. What is the amount of the mark-up?



How do mitochondria help the cell membrane function? 

Mitochondria provide the energy that the cell membrane needs to move substances into and out of the cell.


This 1803 land purchase was made by Thomas Jefferson. What was it, and what was the impact on the new United States? 

The Louisiana Purchase; it more than doubled the size of the United States at the time


In one day you earn $75 for 8 hours of work.  If you work 37.5 hours for the week, what will your weekly pay be?



Identify the claim, evidence, and rationale for the following paragraph:

Claim: "The Federalist Papers were important...United States"

Evidence: "The Federalist Papers were written...rights."

Reasoning: "The Federalist Papers are still important is run." 


The sales tax rate is 8%. If Sarai buys a gymnastics mat priced at $352.44, what will be the total cost including tax?



Which is a chloroplast, and what is the function of a chloroplast?

A; to carry out photosynthesis


  • In the above 1754 political cartoon by Benjamin Franklin, why did he portray the snake as being cut in different pieces? What was the purpose? 

To demonstrate the need for the colonies to unite to be successful in their revolution. 


Assata studied for 4 hours and Brother Jim studied for 2.5 hours. Assuming their scores correspond to the graph above, what would be the difference between their scores?

About 7.5 points


What is the meaning of "resignation" in the passage below?

From "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston:
"Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever on the horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation, his dreams mocked to death by Time. That is the life of men."


the acceptance of something undesirable but inevitable; giving up


This afternoon, Vince got through 3/10 of the pages he was hoping to read. Meanwhile, Will read ⅞ of the pages he had planned to read. Who got through a greater fraction of his reading? By how much?

Will, by 57.5%


Sister Emma wants to find out how sugary drinks affect Queen Tiye’s sustained attention early in the morning. Group 1 only drinks water for a week straight. Group 2 only drinks Arizonas for a week straight. Identify the experimental group, control group, and a potential hypothesis for this scenario.

Experimental group: Group 2

Control group: Group 1

Potential hypotheses: Sugary drinks will make students more focused, energized, tired, etc. 


Listen to this song from 2:09-3:15. What was Hamilton's stance on the Constitution? Why did he feel this way? What was Burr's stance? Why do you think Burr felt this way?

Hamilton strongly advocated for the new Constitution, and believed it was worth fighting for, especially considering the lives lost in the war. Burr is more cautious about this new form of government, since he might not want to make a wrong move and ruin the new nation. 


Every day after school, Jaylen and Caleb play their favorite video game, NBA 2K23. After 30 minutes, Jaylen scored 60 points, and Caleb scored 90 points. With minutes on the X axis, and points on the Y axis, graph the rate of each of their scores. (Draw one line for Jaylen, and one for Caleb).


Was the American Revolution justified? Write an argumentative paragraph either supporting or refuting the idea that the American Revolution was a justified response to British rule. Use evidence from historical events and primary sources to support your position. Be sure to consider the perspectives of different groups, such as colonists, loyalists, and indigenous peoples, in forming your argument.

(Responses will vary)


A fruit seller sells oranges at the rate of $ 5¹∕₄ per orange, he gets $630 by selling the oranges.  How many dozens of oranges does he sell?

10 dozen oranges