Sterile Technique
Countable items
Surgical Count
More Anesthesia
This is the difference between asepsis and sterility

Asepsis is the absence of pathogenic organisms. 

Sterility is the absence of virtually all organisms. 


These scissors are used for tissue dissection and should not be used to cut sutures

Metzenbaum Scissors

Who is responsible for performing surgical counts?

2 periop nursing professionals, 1 must be an RN 

Scrub nurse is involved in all counts, and is responsible for directing the count 

According to the ASA guidelines for NPO status, clear liquids should be stopped this far ahead of surgery

2 hours 


This is when you can expect Succinylcholine to be used as the muscle relaxant

Emergency intubation - laryngospasm, anaphylaxis 

Rapid Sequence Induction - for patients at high risk of aspiration


These factors can impact the shelf-life of a sterilized item 

Shelf-life is event related - items are sterile unless packages are damaged, or compromised. Event-related elements include; 

Storage conditions - temperature, humidity, moisture 

Handling - transport, frequency 

Package integrity - rips, tears or other damage to packaging 



This type of retractor has a curved blade with a rounded off end. It is used when operating on deep tissue

A deaver retractor


For any items added to the field after the initial count is complete, this is the process to follow

Circulating nurse count additional items with the Scrub nurse 

Circulating nurse who counted, add the item to the count sheet 

Initial all additions, above and to the right of the item


This is the key difference between Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) and Local Anesthesia 

Personnel present and responsible for patient monitoring

For Local Anesthesia, there is no anesthesia care provider present. Patient is monitored by the perioperative nurse. 

For MAC, the anesthesia care provider is responsible for administering medications and monitoring the patient. 


For patients who will be transferred to PACU intubated, these are workflow modifications you may need to consider

Call ahead to get ventilator setup - 10-15min heads up required 

Ask Anesthesia if transport monitor is required 

Ambu-bag for transport with full tank of 02 

Additional personnel will be needed to help with transport 


Specific to in-house sterilized items, this is how you assess sterility of an item 

Check package integrity before and after opening - tapes or locks in place, no holes or damage to packaging, no moisture or obvious contamination

External indicator - present and has changed colour  

Internal indicator - present and has changed colour


Instruments and miscellaneous items are counted in the quantities you have - sponges are counted according to this 

By units of issue - in other words, by the number in each package. 

If an error is made on the count sheet - this is the process for making corrections

Single strike through the error. Write the word error AND your initials above and to the right of the item


After settling the patient on the OR bed and applying the safety strap, this should be your first priority

Apply monitors - start with Pulse Oximeter, then everything else on that side, then walk around the bed to apply rest of monitors.  

This is the reversal agent for non-depolarizing muscle relaxants

Neostigmine for all non-depolarizing

Suggamadex is rocuronium specific 


When establishing the sterile field, this is the first thing that you should open. 

Gown for the scrub nurse - then continue opening around the semi-circle


True or False - Surgical Clips are counted

False - the clip rack (AKA bar) is counted, but not the actual clips 


These are the times that a count will be completed for EVERY surgical procedure (unless it's on the exceptions list) 

Initial count - to establish baseline.  

Final count - at end of procedure or skin closure 


This is when Cricoid pressure can be released

After ETT placement is confirmed and the balloon is inflated (and you've confirmed it's okay to release) 

At the direction of the anesthesiologist

In the event of active vomiting  


If initial attempts at intubation with a traditional laryngoscope and stylet are unsuccessful, what could you offer to retrieve for the anesthesiologist?

Offer Glidescope or McGrath (video laryngoscope) along with disposable cover. This is usually the next step 


These are some principles of sterile technique you should follow as the circulating nurse

Hand Hygiene! 

If in doubt, consider items contaminated. 

Communicate actual or potential contamination to the team 

Moving around the sterile field - Maintain distance from the sterile field at all times; Always face the sterile field when passing; Do not pass between two sterile fields; Do not reach or lean over the sterile field  

Open packages in a controlled manner - do not flip items, maintain control of package edges 

Traffic control - Keep movement, door opening, and talking to a minimum. Limit the number of people in an OR


These are the three types of needles that are counted

Sutures (needle with thread attached) - AKA Atraloc at LGH 

Free Needles (suture needle without thread attached) 

Injection Needles 


These are the counts required for a Caesarean Section 

Initial Count - SSMI (Full Surgical Count) 

Closure of Uterus - SSM (Partial Surgical Count) 

Closure of Peritoneum - SSMI (Full Surgical Count) 

Closure of Skin - SSM (Partial Surgical Count) 


The acronym LOSTSEMMS refers to the basic equipment required for safe, basic intubation with an Endotracheal tube. What does LOSTSEMMS stand for?

L - Laryngoscope. Traditional or Video

O - Oral Airway. For assistance with Ventilation 

S - Suction. To clear secretions 

T - Tubing (Circuit). Includes the gas sample line for capnography 

S - Syringe. To inflate the cuff on the ETT. May substitute Cufflator 

E - Endo Tracheal Tube 

M - Mask. For preoxygenation and ventilation 

M - McGill Forceps. To help direct the ETT 

S - Stylet. 


In collaboration with the Anesthesiologist, this information should be included as part of your handover to PACU 

Patient Identification - 2 Identifiers 

Age and weight 

Allergy status 

Type of Anesthesia 

Surgical Procedure performed - including issues or complications 

Skin and pressure injury risk assessment 

Ins and Outs - including Estimated blood loss

Drains and packing 

Concerns or items for follow up - pending bloodwork, hearing or sight deficits (and location of assistive devices), settings or status of medical devices (SCDs, NPWT)