Psychology, etc

Shame & Guilt
Locus of Control

3 types of verbal communication

Passive, Aggressive, Assertive


_________ is when you become physically ill or emotionally dysregulated when you haven't used.



Guilt can be a powerful ___________ to make a positive change in your life.



Things we can't control

People, Places & Things


This is another name for a pro/cons list.

decisional balance, payoff matrix, cost benefit analysis


Ways we can increase positive thinking

Gratitude lists, Positive Affirmations, Changing your Perspective, Journaling, Exercise/Physical Activity, meditation, engage in activities we enjoy, etc. 


What is tolerance?

Needing more of a substance to achieve the desired effect


What is 'shame'?

 Feeling bad about yourself as a person


2 types of control(in the Locus of Control)

Internal & External


Choose to change do things differently or choose not to, either way you are__________.

Making a choice!

By not changing things, you are making a choice to stay the same.


This is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goals.

emotional intelligence


A sign of addiction is continuing to use despite ____________.

Negative consequences


What is 'guilt'?

Feeling bad about a specific action or behavior


Explain the 2 types of control

External Locus of Control- Believing that things happen to you; chance or luck, determines outcomes

Internal Locus of Control- Believing you are responsible for making things happen


Holding onto anger or resentment is like what? (Buddha quote)

Drinking poison yourself and waiting for the other person to die

Picking up a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone, your the one who gets burned

Setting yourself on fire and waiting for the other person to die of smoke inhalation


5 types of cognitive distortions

black and white thinking, jumping to conclusions, should statements, over-generalization, catastrophizing, mental filter, disqualifying the positive, mind reading, fortune telling, personalization, labeling, comparing, minimalization, emotional reasoning


An example of ______________, experiencing black outs or overdose.

Loss of Control


2 things you can do to help when experiencing shame

Exercise self-compassion, Recognize shame is a survival tactic, Seek healthy connections, Talk to someone you trust


5 things you CAN control

Your: words, actions, behaviors, boundaries, attitude, decisions, values, self-talk, how we handle challenges, what we give our energy to, how we interpret things, etc


What does TIPP stand for?

Tip the temp, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Paired muscle relaxation


These are the 5 components of emotional intelligence 

Self-awareness, self-management, social skills, empathy, and motivation


Addiction is considered a disease because it fits into the disease model. What is the disease model?


Brain---->Pleasure/Reward Center---->Tolerance, Craving, Withdrawal, Loss of Control, Using despite negative consequences


2 things you can do to help when experiencing guilt

Admit you were wrong, Take responsibility, Seek forgiveness, Change your behavior


Benefits of believing we are responsible for making things happen

High self-confidence and self-worth, less influenced by other's opinions, works hard to achieve what they want, high sense of self-efficacy, happier, more independent, greater life satisfaction, etc


5 questions we can ask to challenge our thinking

Is my thought based on facts or feelings?,  How could someone else see this situation?, What would I say to a friend in this situation?, How likely is it that my fear will come true?, What evidence do I have to prove or disprove it?, If my fear comes true, will it still matter in a week? A month? A year?, Where did this thought/belief come from? Is it a reliable source?, Etc.