Endocrine emergencies
Abdomen Pain
Low BGL is referred to hypoglycaemia, why does this occur?
When there is too much insulin or excessive dose of oral hypoglycaemic agents
Define what a transient ischaemic attack
Brief episode of neurologic dysfunction lasting from a few minutes and last no longer than 24 hours.
What is does AAA stand for?
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
What spider breed bite is life threatening?
funnel web
2 part question: Hypoglycaemia occurs usually when the BGL is < 4 mmol. What is the BGL value is considered moderate? What is the BGL value is considered severe?
Moderate <3.5 mmol Severe is < 2.5 mmol
Name 3 types of headaches
Migraines Cluster headaches Tension headaches
What are the 2 types of CVA? and explain each of them
Ischaemic (caused by a blood clot) Haemorrhagic (caused by a break in a blood vessel)
What questions would you ask when gathering a subjective history about the patient's abdomen pain?
Assess the pain P/Hx particularly abdominal surgery or illness Drug or alcohol use History of trauma Medications Dietary history Obstetrics/ Genealogical History Recent travel Nausea and Vomiting Bowels- diarrhoea, melena, constipation Urinary- frequency, dysuria, haematuria Fever and chills Anorexia or weight gain
What are the two types of snake antivenom is available in Victoria?
Brown and tiger
What are 5 symptoms of hypo?
Confusion Irritability Diaphoresis Tremors Hunger Weakness Headaches Visual disturbances Dizziness Lack of concentration/behaviour change Confusion Slurred speech Not able to drink or swallow Not able to follow instruction Loss of consciousness Seizure Respiratory depression
A patient with neurological condition as an Enrolled Nurse what would be 3 nursing assessment you should present?
Airway, Breathing, Circulation Vital Signs BGL GCS Pupil response
What are 4 risk factors for CVA?
HTN Diabetes smoking excessive alcohol consumption hyperlipidaemia lack of exercise.
What is does PQRST stand for?
provoking factors? Quality- what does the pain feel like? Is it sharp, dull, burning, stabbing or crushing. Radiates- where does the pain radiate to or is it in one place? Severity – use the pain scale 1 – 10 Timing – when did the pain start and how long did it last?
what is the basic management of a red back spider bite?
Simple oral analgesia Apply ice to the bite site (assists with pain relief)
Name 4 signs and 4 symptoms of a person in DKA or hyperglycaemia
Symptoms: Dyspnoea Nausea Vomiting Abdominal pain Lethargy Drowsiness Confusion Polyuria Signs: Dehydration Tachycardia Hypotension Ketotic breath Hyperventilation Impaired conscious state Coma
What is 3 signs/symptoms of an absent seizure? and how long does it last for?
Brief change in level of consciousness Blank staring Eyelid fluttering Pause in conversation Head nodding Length of seizure
List 6 signs and symptoms of TIA/CVA
Speak:Slurred & Impaired expression Aphasia Facial numbness or weakness Swallowing difficulty Weakness or paralysis of face, arm or leg Ignoring/neglecting one side Behaviour changes Difficulty swallowing Vision: Loss of, Suddenly blurred, Unilateral vision loss, Double Headaches severe, abrupt onset Vertigo Loss of balance Nausea and vomiting Difficulty controlling continence
You have a patient with abdominal pain what 4 things should you perform when collecting objective history of the patient
vital signs Inspection Auscultate Palpiation
What consideration to we need to may when considering the symptoms of a patient who is poisoned? There are 5 name 3?
Ingesting harmful substance Inhaling harmful substance Injecting a harmful substance Splashing a harmful substance onto the skin, in the eyes or mouth Being bitten or stung by an insect, animal, snake or spider.
What are the 5 possible causes of a hypo?
Too much insulin or glucose lowering medications Missing or delaying of meals Not consuming enough carbohydrates More strenuous exercise than normal Consumption of alcohol
What is the aim of seizure management?
Airway protection and prevention from aspiration Place patient in lateral position Preserve or restoration oxygenation Place oxygen on patient if Sp02 <92% Injury prevention Remove objects, use pillows and bedrails Identify and treat potential causes E.g. infection Identify and treat complications
As an Enrolled Nurse caring for someone who may have had a CVA, what are the initial nursing interventions (6) should be undertaken?
Check conscious level Nil by mouth Oxygen therapy if Sp02 is <92% ECG BP monitoring Neurological observations BGL Vital signs
Name 8 common conditions which cause abdominal pain?
Appendicitis Constipation Bowel Obstruction Gastroenteritis Pancreatitis Cholecystitis Diverticulitis Polycystic Ovary syndrome Appendicitis Constipation Bowel Obstruction Gastroenteritis Pancreatitis Cholecystitis Diverticulitis Polycystic Ovary syndrome
What are the 5 ways a person can be exposed?
Ingesting harmful substance Inhaling harmful substance Injecting a harmful substance Splashing a harmful substance onto the skin, in the eyes or mouth Being bitten or stung by an insect, animal, snake or spider.