the opening through which molten rock and gas leave a volcano
A wide flat platform that results from repeated non explosive eruptions of lava that spreads over a large area.
Lava plateau
a steep cone shaped hill or small mountain made of volcanic ash and cinders piled up around volcanoes opening
cinder cone volcano
the body of molten rock that feeds a volcano
magma chamber
Material found in magma that is form from the elements oxygen and silicon; it is the primary substance of Earth's crust and mantle
Silica (SiO2)
built by eruptions that produce layers of pyroclastic flows and lava; found mostly where earth plates come together at subduction zones
composit volcano
the large semicircular depression at the top of a volcano formed when the roof of a volcano collapse
areas of volcanic activity that result from pumes of hot mantle material that have risen from deep inside the Earth's mantle
Hot spots
a broad volcano with gently sloping sides built by nonexplosive eruptions of basaltic lava the accumulates in layers
sheild volcano
a major belt of volcanoes that rims the pacific oceans
Ring of fire