Anatomy 1
Anatomy 2
Pathology 1
Pathology 2

What is the primary muscle responsible for flexing the hip and thigh and is commonly known as the "hip flexor"?

iliopsoas muscle


Which muscle, located on the lateral aspect of the hip, is responsible for abduction of the thigh and is often referred to as the "hip abductor"?

gluteus medius


A client complains of chronic lower back pain and difficulty sitting for extended periods. They report a history of childbirth. What pelvic pathology might be contributing to their discomfort?

sacroiliac joint dysfunction


A client presents with a sensation of numbness and weakness in the buttocks and thigh area. They report a history of prolonged sitting. What gluteal pathology may be contributing to these symptoms?

piriformis syndrome


This massage modality involves the use of heated stones placed on the body to help relax muscles, improve circulation, and ease tension.

hot stone massage


This muscle, often referred to as the "buttock muscle," is responsible for hip extension and lateral rotation of the thigh.

 gluteus maximus


This muscle, commonly referred to as the "calf muscle," is responsible for plantar flexion of the foot.

gastrocnemius muscle


A client presents with localized pain and tenderness in their buttock region. They mention a recent fall. What gluteal pathology should you consider as a possible cause?

 gluteal muscle strain


A client, who is an avid runner, complains of recurring shin pain during exercise. The pain is usually relieved with rest. What leg pathology is commonly associated with this condition?

shin splints


Craniosacral therapists often listen for and work with this rhythmic movement of cerebrospinal fluid, which is believed to reflect the health of the central nervous system. What is this rhythmic movement called?

craniosacral rhythm or tide


Which muscle runs along the front of the thigh and is responsible for extending the knee joint?

What is the quadriceps femoris (quads)?


Which muscle, located on the top of the foot, is responsible for dorsiflexion of the foot and is important for lifting the toes off the ground?

tibialis anterior


A client experiences sharp, shooting pain down their leg, often accompanied by numbness and tingling. They describe it as radiating from the lower back. What leg pathology could be responsible for these symptoms?



A client presents with a noticeable deformity in the arch of their foot, causing pain and difficulty walking. What foot pathology involves a collapsed arch?

 flatfoot or fallen arches


In TCM, this vital life force flows through meridians, and an imbalance in its flow is believed to lead to illness. What is it called?

Qi (or Chi)


These muscles, located on the sole of the foot, help to flex the toes and maintain the arch of the foot.

plantar flexor muscles


This muscle, located in the pelvic floor, assists in stabilizing the pelvic organs and is commonly targeted in Kegel exercises.

levator ani muscle


A client complains of persistent pain on the bottom of their heel, especially after prolonged periods of standing or walking. What common foot pathology might they be suffering from?

plantar fasciitis


A client presents with redness, swelling, and pain in the big toe joint. They describe the pain as excruciating, especially when walking or wearing tight shoes. What common foot pathology might be responsible for these symptoms?

gout, a type of arthritis that often affects the big toe joint and is caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joint


In addition to acupuncture points, these are the pathways through which Qi flows in TCM. How many primary meridians are there in the human body?

12 primary meridians


This deep pelvic muscle plays a crucial role in maintaining urinary and fecal continence in both males and females

pubococcygeus (PC) muscle, part of the pelvic floor


This muscle group, consisting of three separate muscles, is collectively referred to as the "deep gluteal muscles" and plays a crucial role in hip stabilization.

piriformis, gemellus superior, and gemellus inferior muscles


A pregnant client is experiencing discomfort and pain in their pubic region, particularly when walking or moving their legs. What pelvic pathology is often associated with this condition during pregnancy?

symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD)


A client presents with calf pain, warmth, and swelling in one leg. They mention a long flight and recent surgery. What leg pathology should be ruled out immediately due to its potential for serious complications?

deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a blood clot that can form in the deep veins of the leg and may lead to pulmonary embolism if not addressed promptly


In TCM, these opposing forces represent the duality and balance in nature and the body. One is often associated with qualities like darkness and cold, while the other is associated with qualities like light and heat. What are they?

Yin and Yang