Theory Evaluation Vocab I
Theory Evaluation Vocab II
Different Types of Theory
Thomas Vocab

A statement of relationships between units observed or approximated in the empirical world.

What is a theory?


The usefulness of theoretical systems; the bridge that connects theory as research.

What is utility?


Complex empirical generalizations presented as diagrams that show the relationship between a number of variables. These are presented as models to be tested, not just summaries of research findings

What are causal models?


Self-evident beliefs the theorist accepts as true without testing them. Formal statements of conviction on which the theorist's model will be founded.

What is an Axiom? (also correct: postulate)


Approximated unit; cannot be observed directly. 

What is a construct?


Observed units; operationalized empirically by measurement. 

What is a variable?


More abstract than empirical generalizations and causal models, but still confined to a particular content area. Usually involves elaborate theoretical writing about a particular domain, and then is tested in a variety of studies using a variety of measures

What are Middle Range Theories?


If - then statements that derive logically from the model; yet to be proven 

What is a hypothesis?

The implicit assumptions by which a theory is bounded. 

What are values?


The ration of hypotheses to propositions.

What is parsimony?

Involves the study of one's own field of knowledge, rather than the study of a particular topic within the field. 
What are meta-theories?

A generalization that is accepted as true, not because it seems self-evident but because it is supported by what the theorists believe are sound data.

What is a principle?


Statement of a relationship; relates the abstract constructs to each other.

What is a proposition?


The ability of a new theory to bridge the gap between two or more different theories.

What is connectivity?


Sets of abstract statements designed to explain a particular phenomenon and are arranged hierarchically from more general to more specific 

What are formal propositional theories?


A public thing; consisting of the arguments, logic, the patterns of reasoning and the facts that bear upon what it treats.

What is evidence?


Determines whether a theory is constructed such that empirical refutation is possible.

What is falsifiability?


The range of phenomena encompassed by the theory.

What is scope?


A set of assumptions and ideas about the fundamental features of the social world; also defined as clusters of interrelated but not necessarily interdefined concepts generally applicable to the arena of marriage and the family  

What are conceptual frameworks?


A generalization that theorists consider the supporting data of which to be irrefutable

What is a law?