Brain System
Emotional Abuse
Wild Card
Effects of Abuse/Violence

in stress-inducing situations people may run away from the danger, go towards the danger to face it head on, attempt to compromise and appease to get out of danger, or be paralyzed in the face of danger.

What are these called?

what are trauma responses?


The definition of emotional abuse...

...any behavior intended to control, manipulate, threaten, or belittle another person.


What is one of two of the papers you filled out during orientation?

what is the Anger/Lethality Assessment and Group Contract?


What does seeing respect do for children?

what is models healthy behaviors?


What are the 4 steps in de-escalating within relationships.

what is Observing instead of evaluating, Stating your feelings, Expressing your needs, and then Making a request?


What behavior does the "fawn" response produce?

what is "baby doe"/lay down and accept whatever is happening?


What part of the brain is affected most from emotional abuse?

what is the hippocampus?


What is the longest time someone has spent holding their breath underwater?

what is 24 minutes and 37 seconds?


what are interventions that can be used to regulate increased emotions during moments of frustration?

Deep breathing, square breathing, journaling, working out/exercising, distancing from toxic people, music, etc.


What non-verbal communication tools can be used to de-escalate a situation?

what is listening, understanding there is no "winner/loser," & having positive body language?


What is the brain part that houses the oldest instincts of humans and animals?

what is the Reptilian Brain?


What are 3 ways that emotional abuse affects children?

what are Behavioral changes, Emotional development, & Maladaptive coping?


What are the 4 stages of the cycle of violence?

what is tension, incident, reconciliation, & calm?


Sexual abuse causes increased levels of these 5 mental health conditions.

what is guilt, depression, PTSD, anxiety, low self esteem?


The first thing to understand when trying to de-escalate a situation.

what is the degree and level of the person's emotion?


What part of the brain is the one that "makes us human?"

what is prefrontal cortex?


What are the steps leading up to the behavior of learned helplessness?

what are uncontrollable bad events, perceived lack of control, & then generalized helpless behavior?


Only HOW MANY countries in the world have national anthems with no lyrics?

what is four?


There are 8 short-term effects of emotional abuse, what are they?

what is isolation and loneliness, self-doubt, shame, confusion, low self-esteem, fear when interacting with others, avoidance of activities related to the incident, & feelings of powerlessness?


De-escalation isn't synonymous with being pushed over or adopting the role of the victim. It means... 

...getting both parties involved to think with that reasoning brain instead of their emotions.


what is another name for the Limbic brain part?

what is the Mammalian Brain?


What are the 11 warning signs of emotional abuse?

what is your partner attacks your self-worth/criticizes, controls your appearance, shares sensitive information about you, shuts conversations down, gaslights you, crosses boundaries, monitors you, isolates you, ask permission for things, asks you to compromise your morals, & demeans your dreams.


What are the 12 reasons discussed that someone abuses their partner?

what is they have a disorder, they were abused, they watched something, they have anger issues, they grew up with an addict, they have control issues, they don't understand boundaries, they are afraid, they lack empathy, they have a personality disorder, they are exhausted, & they are defensive?


There are 6 long-term effects of emotional abuse, what are they?

what is mental health conditions, neuroticism, chronic stress, physical health challenges, attachment challenges, & emotional disconnect/apathy?


What if you "slip up" and use non-violent communication?

What is fess up, own up and do better next time?