True or False
Questions about Resumes
Questions about Job Applications
Multiple Choice

Guess the word: something you learn to do

a skill


You can only find jobs to apply to in a newspaper


You can find job to apply to in many places. Some examples are online, or in person at the place you are applying to.


How many pages long are resumes?

a. 1 - 2 pages

b. 4 - 5 pages

c. as many pages as you want 

a. 1 -2 pages


Name three pieces of information that you need to put on a job application

Personal contact information

Specific job you're applying for

Education and work history



You only write your full address on:

a. a resume

b. a job application 

c. you never write your full address

b. a job application


True or False: you get paid for volunteer work


Volunteering means giving your time without getting paid 


It is okay to put your social security number on a job application if you really want the job.


You should never put your social security number on a job application!


The part of a resume that lets employers know how to reach out to you

a. contact information 

c. education

f. references

a. contact information


If a job application asks for your social security number or driver's license you can write "available upon job offer"



This is a one-page summary of your work skills, abilities, and experience. 

a. resume

b. cover letter

c. job application

a. resume


guess the word: something you are naturally good at 

a talent


A resume is not an important tool in finding a job 

False, a resume is the most important tool in finding a job


True or False: A customized resume is used to apply to all jobs

False, a general resume is used to apply to most jobs, a customized resume is used to apply to a specific job 


On a job application you provide much less detail than on a resume



Something you give an employer to let them know who you are and how you can help them in their business

a. resume

b. job application

c. thank you letter

a. resume


Is using a stove a skill or a talent?



You should say that you are available at ALL times when writing your availability on a job application so an employer will want to hire you. 

False, it is important to be realistic about your availability so that an employer knows if your availability matches with the times, they need someone to work.


The part of your resume that states what your goal is, or what you are looking for in a job

a. education 

b. objective

c. experience

b. objective


True or False: NEVER write your social security number on a job application 

True, you should never write your social security number on a job application, it can be used for identity theft. 


A job where you work under 30 hours a week is called"

a. temporary

b. full time

c. part time

c. part time


Give an example of a skill you have learned from a past job or volunteer position 

an example of a skill


An employer is only allowed to ask about your past medical conditions or problems if they seem like a nice person

False, an employer is never allowed to ask about your past medical conditions or problems.


This section of your resume lists your previous jobs, volunteer work, school activities, and serious hobbies.

a. objective

b. skills and accomplishments

c. experience

c. experience


True or False: on a job application it doesn’t matter if you’re positive or negative about the reason you left a past job

False, it is important to be as honest and positive as possible about the reason you left a job to give a good impression


What is an employer allowed to ask about your age?

a. if you are 18 years of age or older

b. anything they want to know

c. what year you graduated high school

a. if you are 18 years of age or older