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True or False? When administering eye drops it is best to hold the dropper making sure not to touch the eyelids and lashes. After medication is administered instruct the patient to rub the medication in the affected eye to ensure that it is completely absorbed.

What is False


What are the two patient identifiers prior to medication administration?

What is : Name and date of birth or check name and date of birth on the patients ID band


To calculate respirations you count respiratory rate for 30 seconds and multiply by 2. The nursing student knows that when respirations are abnormal in any way. Respirations must be counted for 

What is 1 minute. 


The doctor may order this medication if the patient is Constipated? 

What is Senna


The student nurse knows that the drug classification of metoprolol is ?

What is: Beta Blocker


True or False? It is always best to massage the site after IM and SQ injections. This ensures that the medication is well absorbed into the tissue

What is False.

Use a guaze and apply gentle pressure. Teach the patient not to rub or scratch the site. 


When injecting using SQ technique the student nurse knows to inject in what degree angle?

What is 45 or 90 degree angle 


When assessing blood pressure by auscultation. Which artery is palpated ?

What is Brachial artery?


The patient is complaining of acid reflux and heartburn. What medication would you anticipate the doctor may order?

What is Omeprazole


The student nurse knows the classification of Valsartan is? 

What is ARB or angiotensin ll receptor blocker


When administering Ear drops to an adult,  what is the appropriate way the student nurse will pull and straighten the ear pinna?

What is up and back for an adult


The Z track method is used when administering injection medications. The student nurse will  inject using a dart method. The needle is perpendicular to the body with an angle of 90 degrees. What injection method is the student nurse using? 

What is IM or Intramuscular 


What are the 5 ways to measure body temperatures?

What is oral, tympanic, temporal, axillary and rectal


The student nurse knows that this medication mechanism of action works by blocking a substance in the body that causes blood vessels to tighten. 

What is Valsartan


This medication works by relaxing the blood vessels and slowing the heart rate to improve blood flow and decrease blood pressure. 

What is Metoprolol


What are the three medication Safety checks?

What is checking the MAR, checking while drawing up the medication and checking again at the bedside. 


Tina just got accepted to Barry University Nursing program. She has to get a health clearance before she starts. She has to get a PPD. What injection technique is the PPD administered? 

What is intradermal


To auscultate the apical pulse, the nursing student knows to place the stethoscope diaphragm over the apex of heart. Where would you palpate for the apical pulse?

What is palpate the space between the fifth and sixth ( fifth intercostal space) move to the left midclavicular line 


When this medication is injected it lowers the blood glucose and lasts up to 24 hours? 

What is : NPH isulin or long acting insulin


The doctor may order this medication for patients with heart failure and also to increase myocardial contraction? With client teaching, the nurse will teach the patient to watch out for blurred vision, nausea, vision impairment like green and halos and monitor k levels to prevent toxicity. 

What is : digoxin


identify the 6 rights of medication administration

What is right patient, right medication, right dose, right time, right route, right indication (use)


When the student nurse is drawing up NPH and regular insulin in one syringe. The student nurse knows to draw up which insulin first?

What is : Regular insulin first then NPH or clear then cloudy


Can you identify all the peripheral pulses? 

What is carotid, radial, brachial, popliteal, femoral, dorsalis pedis, posterior tibialis, 


Sandy is a 40 year old female who loves eating bananas three times a day and also takes ________ for blood pressure. What blood pressure medication when taken can cause high potassium levels? 

What is: Valsartan 


when providing patient education on taking omeprazole. When is the best time this medication should be taken or given?

What is before a meal, preferably in the morning