Jung, Anti-Semitism, & Nazis
(Samuels, 1993)
Ubuntu and the Individuation Process
(Brooke, 2008)
Who is Carl Gustave Jung?
Jung in the
African Diaspora
(Vaughan, 2019)
What is Analytical Psychology?

Matthias Göring demanded all members of the General Medical Society for Psychopathology to have studied this, “scientific book” (p. 465).

(A) The Communist Manifesto

(B) Mein Kampf (My Struggle)

(C) The State and Revolution

(D) On the Origin of Species

(B) Mein Kampf (My Struggle)


Jung had a dream in which he interpreted this as, “a warning sign from the unconscious” (p. 40). This dream was associated with this culture.

(A) Western Culture

(B) African Culture

(C) European Culture

(D) Asian Culture

(B) African Culture


The assessment based on Jung’s eight personality types (e.g., extraverted thinking, introverted feeling, extraverted sensation, introverted intuition).

(A) The Everything DiSC

(B) Big Five Personality Test

(C) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(D) The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire

(C) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator


The historical period Jung failed to see when he visited America from 1909 to 1937. (See p. 320)

(A) The Industrial Revolution

(B) The Harlem Renaissance

(C) The Great Depression

(D) Slave Codes and Black Codes

(B) The Harlem Renaissance


Jung classified people into these two categories; he further distinguished them according to four primary functions of the mind—thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuition—one or more of which Jung believed predominates in any given person.

(A) Sensing and Intuition

(B) Judging and Perceiving

(C) Thinking and Feeling

(D) Introverted and Extroverted

(D) Introverted and Extroverted


This person was responsible for inviting Jung to join The General Medical Society for Psychotherapy in 1928 (at which Jung became vice-president of in 1930); he was also, “the ‘moving spirit’ behind attempts to translate ideas of ‘social and racial hygiene’ into the mental health field” (p. 463).

(A) Robert Sommer

(B) Matthias Göring

(C) Wilhelm Hauer

(D) Mary Mellon

(A) Robert Sommer


This Zulu term, “defines what it is to be a person, where being a person is both a given and a task of self-realization”; it provides a definition of what is to be an individual, and their, “sense of community” (p. 49).

(A) Yebo

(B) Angazi

(C) Ubuntu

(D) Unjani

(C) Ubuntu (“Humanity to Others”)


In 1910, he proposed Jung, “his adopted eldest son, his crown prince and successor,” for the position of lifetime President of the International Psychoanalytical Association.

(A) Alfred Adler

(B) Sigmund Freud

(C) Carl Rogers

(D) Jean Piaget

(B) Sigmund Freud


The Jungian concept of “kinship libido” (i.e., “a kind of instinct which keeps the family group intact”) is related to this Bantu term (p. 323).

(A) Saikolojia

(B) Maat

(C) Ubuntu

(D) Bewusteloos

(C) Ubuntu (“Humanity” in African Bantu)


According to Jung, this includes individuals’ personal unconscious and that which they inherited from their ancestors (the “collective unconscious”).

(A) Unconscious

(B) Sexuality

(C) Perception

(D) Behaviors

(A) Unconscious


This is a chapter / These are chapters within Robert Sommer’s (1927) book, “Family Studies, Hereditology, and Raceology.” (Note, refer to page 464 for direct quotations.)

(A) “The European Primal Race”

(B) “The Oldest Cultural Values of the White Race”

(C) “Family and Race”

(D) “German History from the Perspective of Family Research and Hereditology”

Trick Question: All of the Above!

This is one, “ethical dimension of individuation and consciousness” (p. 49).

(A) Integration and Differentiation of Western Spirituality

(B) Complexities of Moral Conduct and Conscience

(C) Development of Consciousness

(D) All of the Above

(D) All of the Above


Unlike Sigmund Freud, Jung did not believe that this alone was responsible for the formation of the core personality; however, he recognized this as an important source for personal growth.

(A) Collective Unconscious

(B) Lebenstriebe (Life-Drive)

(C) Superego

(D) Libido

(D) Libido


This archetypal anima figure, “offers a path to humanity towards truth, reconciliation, and individuation of the judicial system” (p. 329).

(A) Anubis

(B) Osiris

(C) Themis

(D) Maat

(D) Maat (Kemetic Egyptian deity of truth, justice, and order)


Unlike Sigmund Freud, Jung attached less importance to the role of this in the neuroses; rather, Jung stressed the analysis of patients’ immediate conflicts as being more useful in understanding their problems than the uncovering of childhood conflicts.

(A) Unconscious

(B) Sexuality

(C) Perception

(D) Behaviors

(B) Sexuality


This is the name of the movement that Wilhelm Hauer (professor of Indology; co-led seminars on Kundalini Yoga with Jung) founded in 1933 as, “an attempt to construct a religion more in tune with German history and traditions than Christianity, which had, for them, too Semitic a flavour” (p. 465).

(A) The White Faith Movement

(B) The Third Reich Faith Movement

(C) The German Faith Movement

(D) The European Faith Movement

(C) The German Faith Movement


This is the process in which one becomes, “increasingly undivided against oneself,” and the process of becoming separate from, “identification with the collective consciousness” (p. 39).

(A) Individuation

(B) Loneliness

(C) Independence

(D) Self-Confident

(A) Individuation


As proposed by Jung, these are the images and themes that derive from the collective unconscious.

(A) Archetypes

(B) Psychic Energies

(C) Past Experiences

(D) Repressed Desires

(A) Archetypes


“The current global population demographics suggest the underlying basis for the ideology, neurosis, and psychosis of racism is” this (p. 324).

(A) legislation and public policies justifying and supporting the institutionalization of discrimination based on the social constructs of race, gender, and poverty in America

(B) a disorder of mental functioning that causes pathos, disease, or suffering of body and soul

(C) decisions by state, federal government, and the supreme courts confirming and extending legislation that support racism or dismiss challenges to limit or reverse practices of racism

(D) White supremacy and White nationalism deep in the European psyche, that is a fear of annihilation (i.e., extinction anxiety), loss of privilege, wealth, and positionality

(D) White supremacy and White nationalism deep in the European psyche, that is a fear of annihilation (i.e., extinction anxiety), loss of privilege, wealth, and positionality


This term represents the personality that an individual projects to others, as differentiated from the authentic self. It is derived from a Latin word referring to the masks worn by Etruscan mimes.

(A) Animus / Anima

(B) Shadow

(C) Persona

(D) Inner World

(C) Persona


In his letter sent to Mary Mellon (who inspired and planned the Bollingen Foundation) on September 24, 1945, Jung asserted that, “intellectual Jews in pre-war Germany were not innocent,” and had even, “provoked the Holocaust” because of this (p. 466).

(A) Anti-Patriotism

(B) Anti-Capitalism

(C) Anti-Europeanism

(D) Anti-Christianism

(D) Anti-Christianism


Jung’s work consists of many, “equations and oppositions”; this is one example (p. 42).

(A) Hopeful; Loving

(B) Rational; Emotional

(C) Happy; Excited

(D) Sad; Mournful

(B) Rational; Emotional


This book was written by Jung in 1916.

(A) Psychology of the Unconscious

(B) The Ego and the Id

(C) Understanding Human Nature: The Psychology of Personality

(D) The Neurotic Personality of Our Time

(A) Psychology of the Unconscious


This is not one of the ways in which Jung believed Black people influenced America. (See pp. 325; pp. 334-336)

(A) The way Americans laugh and express themselves

(B) The spectre of “the other”

(C) Music, dance, and the way Americans walk

(D) Religion, charm, naivete, and childlikeness

(B) The spectre of “the other” (i.e., “spirit and presence” and “something widely feared, a dangerous occurrence”; caused by the historical trauma of American slavery)


Jung wrote of the relationship between this and this that, “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

(A) the analyst and the analysand

(B) the animus and the anima

(C) the inner world and the outer world

(D) the ego and the shadow

(A) the analyst and the analysand