functional ability
safety timby's
safety concept
ambulatory aids

what is functional ability?

the cognitive, social, physical, and emotional ability to carry on the normal activities of life 


what portion of the brain is responsible for voluntary motor activity? 

frontal lobe 


what is the definition of safety?

measures that prevent accidents or unintentional injuries 


Give the concepts definition of SAFETY

Prevention of healthcare errors and mitigation of patient injury caused by health care error


what is the most stable form of ambulatory aid?


what type of problems are cerebral palsy, Angelman syndrome and down syndrome?

causes of primary problems 


what are the consequences of immobility in the musculoskeletal system? 

reduction in muscle mass and atrophy, contracture of joints, bone demineralization


what are prevention measures for drowning ?

learn to swim, never swim alone, wear an approved flotation device, do not drink alcohol when participating in water-related sports, notify a law enforcement office if boaters appear unsafe


What are the levels of errors?

Adverse event, near miss, sentinel events


What effects does flexion have on the spine?

It alters the center if gravity, resulting in an increase of falls.


what are 5 activities of daily living according to the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing ?

maintaining a safe environment, breathing, communication, mobilizing, eating and drinking, eliminating, personal cleaning and dressing, maintaining body temperature, working and playing, sleeping, expressing sexuality, dying


what are 4 examples of impaired mobility of the joints and connective tissue conditions? 

sprains, tendonitis, joint dislocation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and gout


what are 5 symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning? 

dizziness, headache, disorientation, confusion, coma, visual disturbances, cherry red skin color, aggravation of preexisting heart and respiratory disease, muscle cramps, muscle weakness, seizures, nausea and vomiting


What are the common types of errors?

Diagnostic, treatment, preventive and communication


what are the different prosthetics?

Passive, body-powered, electrically-powered, hybrid, activity-specific


When doing a functional assessment screening for mobility what questions would you ask the client ?

Do you have any trouble moving? Do you feel steady when you walk? Do you use anything to help you walk? Do you have trouble getting out of bed? do you have difficulty sitting down or standing up?


what are 3 diagnostic tests used to evaluate musculoskeletal disorders?

x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), myelogram, arthrography(arthrogram),bone mineral density and bone scan


when would a nurse use restraints?

to manage violent or self-destructive behavior that jeopardizes the immediate physical safety of the client staff or others and when restraint alternatives do not work


What are two placement errors? Explain/give example.

Active: point of care, "sharp end" 

Latent: hidden in the system, 'blunt end"


Define NANDA-1 taxonomy.

"Limitation in independent, purposeful physical movement of the body or of one or more extremities." 


what type of functional assessment tool would be used for older adults: cognitive function?

folstein mini-mental status examination (MMSE)


name 4 interventions used to care for patients with limitations in mobility ? 

exercise therapy, pharmacologic agents, surgery, immobilization, assistive devices and patient handling technology


what are forms of evacuation of clients during a fire?

human crutches, seat carry, body drag 


Name the 5 characteristics of High-Reliability Organizations?

- Sensitivity to operations and situational awareness    - Preoccupied with failure and most focused on predicting/eliminating errors                                      - Reluctance to simplify                                              - Deference to expertise                                            - Commitment to reliance 


What are the 6 possible diagnoses for clients who need to use ambulatory aid?

-impaired physical mobility, risk for disuse syndrome, risk for trauma, risk for activity intolerance, risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction, unilateral neglect