What is a tort?
A civil wrong that interferes with one’s
property or person
What type of tort is assault?
What is a crime?
A crime is conduct that is prohibited and
punished by a government.
Agreements to commit an unlawful act
Extortion demands made by a
nonpublic official.
What is the Difference between a crime and a tort?
A crime is a wrong that arises from a
violation of a public duty, and a tort is a
wrong that arises from the violation of a
private duty.
What type of tort is defamation?
How are crimes classified?
Common law or statutory
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations (RICO) Act:
Designed to
prevent those involved in organized crime
from investing money obtained through
racketeering in legitimate businesses.
Foreign corrupt practice act
antibribery and anticorruption statute.
Can the same act be a crime and a tort?
If a company fails to follow safety protocols, what tort might they be guilty of?
Misdemeanors are punishable by:
Less than one year in prison
The act of giving money, property, or a
benefit to a person to influence their
The fraudulent making of a document or
coin that appears to be genuine but is not
How many types of torts are there?
What is an intentional tort?
When wrongdoers
engage in intentional conduct.
Felonies are punishable by:
more than one year in prison
commercial bribery
An agent for another is paid or given
something of value to make a decision on
behalf of the principal that benefits the
party paying the agent.
Fraudulent making or material altering of
an instrument that attempts to create or
change a legal liability of another
What are the types of torts?
Intentional, Negligence, and strict liability
Wrongdoers are guilty of negligence when they:
Fail to exercise due care.
Mens rea
mental state
When a public officer makes an
illegal demand.
Knowingly giving false testimony in a
judicial proceeding under oath