week 4 A
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week 4 E
A program which offers retired businessmen and businesswomen an opportunity to help owners of small businesses and managers of community organizations who are having management problems
What is Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
Groups which offer people over age 60 the opportunity of doing volunteer service to meet community needs
What is Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Residential care and skilled nursing care facilities for older people who cannot take care of themselves, when independence is no longer practical
What is nursing homes
Programs established to investigate and act on concerns expressed by residents in nursing homes
What is nursing homes ombudsman programs
Government program enacted in 1965 as Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, which helps older people pay the high cost of health care
What is Medicare
Government program established in 1965 by Title XIX of the Social Security Act, which primarily provides medical care for recipients of public assistance
What is Medicaid or in California MediCal
The scientific study of the aging process from physiological, pathological, psychological, sociological, and economic points of view
What is gerontology
A system employing low-income older people to provide personal care to children who live in institutions, which program has been shown to be of considerable benefit to both the children and to the foster grandparents
What is Foster Grandparent Program
Neglect, physical abuse, or psychological abuse of dependent older persons
What is Elder Abuse
The number of societal members who are under 18 or are 65 and over compared with the number who are between 18 and 64
What is Dependency Ratio
Long-term housing facilities which are designed to provide a full range of accommodations and services for affluent older people as their needs change
What is continued care retirement communities
Semi-independent living complexes or buildings allowing older people to live in their own rooms or apartments, where residents receive personal care, meals, housekeeping, transportation, and social and recreational activities
What is Assisted Living Facilities
Services for adults who are being neglected or abused or for adults whose physical or mental capacities have substantially deteriorated
What is Adult Protective Services
A feeling of regret about one’s past, including a continuous nagging desire to have done things differently
What is Despair
Prejudice against a particular age group, especially the elderly; having negative images of, and attitudes toward, people simply because they are old
What is ageism
An irreversible mental and physical deterioration associated with later adulthood
What is senility
The normal process of bodily change that accompanies aging
What is senescense
Eye disease occurring when fluid pressure in the eye builds up. If this disease is detected through routine vision checkups, it can be treated and controlled with eyedrops, medication, and surgery, or laser treatments
What is glucoma
Doctors who specialize in medical care of older people
What is gerontologists
Clouding of the lens of the eye or its capsule that obstructs the passage of light. With the development of corrective lenses and new surgical techniques for removing cataracts and implanting artificial lenses, many vision losses are fully or partially restored
What is cataracts
Middle-aged adults who provide care for their parents as well as their children
What is sandwich generation
The level of income that the federal government considers sufficient to meet basic requirements of food, shelter, and clothing
What is poverty line
Rules that specify what is considered proper behavior within the family group
What is family norms
Suspended status with a lack of psychological movement or growth
What is stagnation
The ability to recognize and deal with one’s own feelings as well as the feelings of others, and includes qualities such as empathy, motivation, social competence, optimism, and conscientiousness
What is emotional intelligence