How do we access HRP?
Log in to Citrix Workspace, Click on icon for HRP manager, Log in to HRP.
The letter list screen will contain all letters that have been created by you within a blank.
62- day retention period
How do we access One kit?
We find it in the Next Gen home page.
What is the difference between claim status Needs Review and Needs Repair?
Needs Review: Complete and accurate data, but it requires review by a person.
Needs Repair: Claim is incomplete or contains invalid data needs to be repaired.
The outbound correspondence is available:
via a link on the electronic correspondence handling system home page
What is the short description for customer item code GR-68766?
What are the two basic options for how Aetna receives claims?
Paper and electronic.
What is the purpose of the Member/Provide Lookup Screen?
The member/provider lookup screen allows a user to enter information pertaining to the member/provider call and any other specifics for the template selected. This screen can be found through the template screen when a user clicks the open feature on a selected template.
How to Request Forms on OneKit?
1. Log into ONE kit
2. Click Add Fast Job
3. Enter Member Shipping Information and click Add button
4. Click Next to Select Items and the plus symbol to add items