Intentional Leaders Imitate Jesus (Day 1)
Intentional Leaders Understand the Game (Day 2)
Intentional Leaders Evaluate the Players (Day 3)
Intentional Leaders Create an Environment for Growth (Day 4)
Understanding God's Role, Our Role & The Disciplie's Role (Day 5)

In John 6:5, What question did Jesus ask Philip, and why did he ask him? (pg. 77)

What Is: "Where shall we buy food for the people to eat?" And Jesus asked Philip that to test him. 


This tool is used as a playbook for discipleship. 

What is: The Bible


"Louise is having a surgery this week. I would like to organize meals for the family" Symbolizes this stage of spiritual growth. (pg 83)

What is: Young Adult


Fill in the blank: (Ephesians 4:11-14)

God gave intentional leaders to the church to _______ God's people for works of ________. (pg.86)

What Is: Strengthen, Body of Christ


He plays a role in all spiritual growth, as does the disciple. 

Who is: God


Name one lesson that the people or disciples learned from Jesus the day he was able to feed the people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? (pg. 77)

What is: 

- Jesus was a prophet

- Jesus can transform a little into a lot

- Jesus was the son of God


True or False: Paul Used the image of robes and coverings to help us stand our ground in the midst of a spiritual battle. (Ephesians 6:13) 

False: What is Armor of God


In order to best serve God's team, what areas need to be evaluated by disciple-makers? (pg 83)

What Are: Aptitudes, Gifts, Talents, and abilities


Jesus intentionally created this when he sent the 72 disciples out to tell people the Kingdom is near (Luke 10:8-12)

What Is: an opportunity for his disciples to serve

*Discuss: How important are opportunities to serve help make disciples confident in God's mission?


In Acts 8:31, Who invited Philip to join the carriage?

Who is: The Ethiopian


Name at least one way Jesus intentionally made Zacchaeus a disciple?(pg. 78)

What Is:

- Singled him out of the crowd

-Invited himself to Zacchaeus' home


Complete this passage by filling in the blanks:

"Can a blind man lead a ________? Will they not fall into a pit? ________ is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be ___________" (Luke 6:39-40)

What Is:
- Blind Man
- A Student
- Like his Teacher

*Discuss: What is your takeaway from this scripture?


A group facilitator is looking for someone to lead group discussions when they are not available. What are some characteristics or aptitudes they may look for in a substitute? (pg. 85)

What Are:
- Good listener
- Good Communicator
- Organizer (etc)


Jesus instructed these two Disciples to do the following:

"As you enter the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him to the house that he enters, and say to the owner of the house 'The Teacher asks: Where is the guest room, where I may eat the passover with my Disciples?' He will show you a large upper room, all furnished. Make preparations there". (Pg. 87)

Who Is: Peter & John


True or False: Intentional leaders are responsible for Their role, God's role and the Disciple's role.

False: Intentional Leaders are only responsible for their own role.


True or False:

Jesus noticed Zaccheus' in the crowd because he was waving his hand to Jesus. (pg. 78)

False: He Noticed Zaccheus because he climbed a Tree

*Discuss: Why did Zaccheus climb the tree to see Jesus and what does that symbolize?


Name at least 3 items Paul uses in Ephesians 6:13-17 as symbols for spiritual protection that a disciple-maker may use. (pg. 80)

What is:

- Breastplate of Righteousness

- Shield of Faith

- Helmet of Salvation

- Sword of the Spirit


Doing this helps build a solid relationship between disciple-maker and student. It is a main component when evaluating aptitudes and gifts. (pg. 84)

What is: Spending Time

*Discuss: What would it require of you to spend time with those you are discipling?


Following, Being Changed and On A Mission are evaluated as these 3 levels and must be balanced to help you mature as a disciple. (pg.88)

What Is: Head-level, Heart-Level & Hands Level

*Discuss: At a glance, evaluate where you are in these levels. What are some possible coaching tips that might help you improve your weakness?


Doing this can be the best way an intentional leader can fulfill their role, because unfortunately they cannot force people against their will. (pg. 89)

What is: Create a relational environment where relationships can happen.


In Mark 9:20-24, Identify the stage of spiritual growth the Father was in when Jesus healed his son. (pg 79)

What Is: Infant 

*Discuss: How does this show Jesus as an intentional leader?


Name the 3 Pillars of That help you understand "The Game"

What Is:
- Understanding The Spiritual Battle
- Maintaining a Biblical Worldview
- Avoiding Dependence on a formal Classroom

*Discuss: How important is it that you know "The Game"


Jesus told this profound statement to the Twelve when they were arguing about who was the greatest among them. (Mark 9:35)

What is: "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all"

*Discuss: How do you interpret this statement?


This offers the best place to challenge a disciple and provides a place for the disciple to practice

What Is: A relational environment


This person's role was shown in the baptism of Eunuch, the Ethiopian, by sharing who Jesus was. (Acts 8:38) (pg 89)

Who is: Philip

*Discuss: In Acts 8:26-40, what other roles did Philip play? How does this show him being a leader?