Various Subjects
Various Subjects 2

To understand Poverty, homelessness, teen pregnancy, and mental illness, a nurse must do what?

Reflect and consider one's own beliefs, attitudes, and environmental and cultural factors.


Reliving trauma, insomnia, inability to return to work and losing interest in normal activities are signs of what?

What are signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?


What is the goal of grant writing?

It is used to obtain resources for needed services.

Medlists, doctors orders, medical records, supplies, staff
What are things you need to be organized in a disaster?
Natural/Environmental, Chemical, Biological, Radiological/Nuclear, Explosive Incidents
What are types of disasters?
An intentional act or negligence committed by a member of the nursing profession that causes physical, financial, cognitive, emotional or psychosocial damage to a patient under their care.
What is malpractice

What are components needed for discharge for PTSD?

Counseling and mental health resources


Explain the concept of grants as it relates to nursing.

They are documents that incorporate principles of program planning and evaluation.

an act of bioterrorism or other public health or medical emergency involving thousands or even tens of thousands of victims
What is a mass casualty event?
Climate change, conflict, terrorism
What are reasons for increased need for disaster nursing skills
a guide for carrying out nursing responsibilities in a manner consistent with quality in nursing care and the ethical obligations of the profession.
What is the Nursing Code of Ethics

What is compassion fatigue?

 The combination of physical emotional and spiritual depletion associated with caring for patients in significant emotional pain and physical distress


Teaching skills to help prevent violence in the family is an example of what level of prevention in community nursing?

Primary prevention

An emergency response team consisting of a member from each department within a hospital
What is a disaster management committee?
a health care system's ability to quickly expand beyond normal services to meet the increased demand for medical care in the event of bioterrorism or other large-scale public emergencies
What is surge capacity?

What are the three objectives for reducing violence of Healthy People 2030?

1-Reduce the number of young adults who report 3 or more adverse childhood experiences

2-Reduce intimate partner violence

3 Reduce gun carrying among adolescents.


Name the four stages of disaster management.

What is prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery


What is the most common form of elder abuse?

Rejection or simply ignoring older adults, this may indicate to the victim, they are worthless and useless to others

The tool used to predict how many victims to expect - double the number of victims that arrived within the first hour of the first patient arrival.
What is the CDC predictor tool?

 Define planning as it relates to community nursing.

Selecting and carrying out a series of actions to achieve a stated goal.


The nurse's scope of practice is defined by what two items?

 Governmental legislation and by standards of practice within the specialty


What are early psychosocial interventions in a disaster?

Connection, protection, and direction


State 3 factors that may be present in the abuser that may contribute to abuse in the family.

Past abuse of the abuser, character of the abuser, and cultural factors


Healthy people 2030 is based on what?

A needs assessment that has stated goals and objectives on which the program can be evaluated


What is the initial step and most critical step in planning a health program?

An assessment of need