The name of the process that involves changing the environmental variables before a response occurs in order to effect change in that behavior
What is antecedent interventions?
A procedure providing reinforcement at preselected intervals of time, regardless of the behavior's occurrence.
What is noncontingent reinforcement?
Accommodations _______ the playing field.
What is level, equal, even, balance?
True or False. Environmental Modifications can not be changed throughout the year.
What is false?
A child who can’t learn the twenty-word spelling list every week may learn only ten words.
What is Modification?
A BCBA teaches Harry Styles to say "I'm hungry" when he wants something to eat, rather than stealing food from the concession stands at the Moody Center to access food.
What is Functional Communication Training?
Charlie gets his tablet out and starts playing Minecraft during his math quiz. His teacher stops him, takes his quiz from him, and sends him to the office for detention. The teacher _______ responds.
What is reactively?
True or False. Students that receive accommodations will need to use them forever in the classroom/ clinic.
What is False?
Moving a desk and chair so that it is much harder for a student to elope.
What is environmental modifications?
A student who uses assistive technology to complete class work is benefiting from _______.
What is accommodation?
Name the 3 default antecedent interventions.
*Bonus* (+100) Why are they labeled default antecedent interventions?
What is antecedent exercise, enriched environment, and restraint?
Bonus Answer: their effects do not depend on identifying the variables that maintain the behavior.
Olivia has been peeing on the floor of her room to get her parents' attention. To decrease this, her parents implement "Olivia Time" 2-3 times per day, in which they play any game or activity she wants with them.
What is NCR?
Name the four categories that are used to organize accommodations.
What is Presentation, Responding, Setting, and Scheduling?
Modifications _____ the field you are playing on.
What is change, adjust?
In a 5th grade class a student is performing academically at grade level. To be successful in the classroom he needs frequent breaks, schedules and instructions presented to him visually.
What is accommodation?
True or False. A 3 minute FT schedule has found the most favor in applied settings.
What is false?
5 minute FT schedule is the most practical and effective.
True or False. Noncontingent Reinforcement acts as an abolishing operations
What is True?
Providing a reinforcer frequently and freely that maintains the problem behavior reduces the motivation to engage in the behavior.
True or False. Pen grips are a form of accommodations.
What is True?
True or False. Modifying the classroom environment is helpful for students engaging in disruptive behavior, but will interrupt access to learning for children who have minimal or no problem behavior.
What is False?
It actually promotes positive interactions with the teachers and children, while increasing academic engagement.
In a 4th grade classroom a student with LD in Math is working on math problems that cover one concept while other students are working on math problems that cover multiple concepts.
What is modification?
RBT presents several easy tasks for the learner, learner successfully completes tasks. Therapist then presents the harder task. This is an example of ________.
What is High Probability Instructional Sequence?
Matt engages in a problem behavior just before the end of an NCR interval. The RBT should __________.
What is withholding the presentation of the reinforcer for 10 secs or until the problem behavior stops occurring?
A method teaching that attempts to adapt instruction to suit the different interests, learning styles, and readiness to learn of individual students.
*Bonus* (+200) Name the 3 pillars
What is differentiated instruction?
Bonus answer: philosophy, principles, and practices
True or False. Modifications allows students to complete the same assignments as other students, but permits a change in time, formatting, setting, scheduling , response or presentation.
What is False?
Moving obstacles in a classroom so that a student with a wheelchair can move throughout the classroom is an example of a modification or accommodation?
What is accommodation?
*student's level of learning is not being altered; rather, the learning environment is becoming more accessible.