Everyday is Black heritage month
Who gets to claim it?
8 Young People
How to raise a proud Afro-Latino Kid
Tie Breaker

Which word is used to describe Afro-Panamanians with English-sounding surnames of Caribbean descent?

Antillanos or Chombos


Kinky or curly is usually referred to as what in Spanish ?

Pelo Malo meaning bad hair


What does it mean to celebrate Afro-Latinidad?

Celebrating our ancestors 


Dinzey-Flores (the mother) explains that the expectation of having to choose one group over the other can feel what?

Isolating and confusing


Yvette recounts how when she was hired as a social worker, her “Latina card” was sometimes taken away. Why did that happen?

She disagreed with co-workers on racial issues.


Once Yvette migrated to the United States she found that two of her identities were understood to be contradictions. What were those two identities?

Being black and Latino


Which dictator is infamously known for pushing an anti black agenda?

Trujillo from the Dominican Rep.


Who stated this, “ negro o negra no era malo. It was rich; it was history…It is hope; it is love; it was never bad. In the United States, it is not good”

Angeley Crawford


T/F In the reading,  Dr. Adames states the following  “We’re socialized to think that race doesn’t matter because we’re all racially mixed, and that’s ____”



Other than logistical issues, such as translation, what were two other difficulties faced when bringing African American women or Afro-Latinx women who are US based into a transnational black organization?

Power inequality and hierarchies


In 2004, Yvette started the organization, Encuentro Diaspora Afro. What did her organization do?

Create a space for Afro-Latinx and all people of African descent, where they embrace national and international discourse on their complex and multiple socio-political identities. 


Which word is used to reference the switching of personality according to their surrounding peers?



What creates PTSD?

Being Black in America, Being Latino in America and being undocummented in America. 


In the reading, what phrase was used to indicate the idea that Afro-Latinos have to marry a white person to “improve the race”?

Mejorar la raza


According to the podcast, Immigration is considered what kind of issue?

It's considered a racial issue


According to some of the speakers only those who what can claim Afro-Latinidad?

Only those who have been affected by their skin tone and live the black experience


In a 2016 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 24 percent of Latinos identified as Afro-Latino, did all 24 percent or less say they were black?

 Less, only 18 percent said they were black