DV Affects Children
Wild Card
Statistics and Definitions

True or False: Children are NOT impacted by domestic violence if they see/hear it?

 what is False?


Respect and boundaries help with THIS in relationships.

what is communication?


How many classes must you attend of this class before you graduate?

what is 18?


What does seeing respect do for children?

what is it models healthy behaviors?


The statistics of women and men who have experienced sexual violence.

what is 1 in 6 women and 1 in 14 men?


Which brain system is most impacted by children witnessing DV?

what is the Limbic system?


How to set boundaries in relationship?

Be calm, firm, and clear about what you need. Have clear and reasonable consequences for crossing a boundary


How many times has the Olympics been held in the United States?

what is 4 in the Summer (1904, 1932, 1984, 1996) and 4 in the Winter (1932, 1960, 1980, 2002) with the next scheduled for 2028 in Los Angeles?


The practice of preparing to listen, observing what verbal and non-verbal messages are being sent, and then providing appropriate feedback for the sake of showing attentiveness to the message being presented.

what is active listening?


What is the ratio of women and men that have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.

what is 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men?


What are the effects of DV on children once they enter adult relationships?

what is fearing abandonment; Irritability/Easily annoyed with others; Needing a lot of space/time for themselves; Unequal financial and household responsibilities; Settling and staying in a dead relationship; Constant arguing or fighting/avoid conflict at all cost; Not knowing how to repair after a fight; Serial monogamy; Fearful of commitment/avoiding relationships all together; Try to change your partner; Boys often becoming offenders, victims, or both, and girls more likely to become victims?


What are the 3 broad types of boundaries?

what is Permeable, semi permeable, rigid?


This T.V. show that has several movies, premiered on September 13, 1969, which features four teens and their dog solving crimes and mysteries.

what is Scooby-Doo?


The first thing to understand when trying to de-escalate a situation.

what is the degree and level of the person's emotion?


When domestic violence occurs in the home, there is WHAT RANGE OF PERCENT chance that child abuse will co-occur?

what is 45% to 60%?


What is it called when causing the child to pick sides, not know who to trust, question everything they believe is true, make them wonder if their other parents can be trusted?

what is Parental Alienation?


What are the 8 types of boundaries?

what is Physical, Emotional, Verbal, Time, Work, Spiritual, Financial, & Sexual?


When is Orientation held for this class?

what is the First Tuesday of each month?


A style of communication that focuses on the feelings or beliefs of the speaker rather than thoughts and characteristics that the speaker attributes to the listener.

what is "I" statements?


Listening to others non-judgmentally; emotionally affirming and understanding of others.

Is the definition of what?

what is Respect?


What are the effects that can happen to children compared to those that have not witnessed DV?

what is greater incidence of insomnia; bed wetting; verbal, motor, and cognitive issues; learning difficulties; self-harm; aggressive and antisocial behaviors; and depression and anxiety?


What are the 5 benefits of having respect in a relationship?

what is Enhanced Communication, Increased Trust, Conflict Resolution, Emotional Well-Being, & Longevity and Stability?


What are the 2 Wheels discussed in this class?

what is the Power & Control Wheel and Equality Wheel?


Having respect for your partner can increase these six areas of health.

what is Improve immune system; Lower blood pressure; Counts as exercise; Lower heart attack risk; Reduce stress; & Improve sleep?


this process is categorized by stages that reflect on the building tension and frustration in relationships that result in an incident of abuse and ends with reconciliation that can go to a sort of "calm before the storm."

what is the cycle of violence?