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Fun/Not so Fun Facts

How many hours does Malcolm Gladwell say it takes to become a Master? 

10,000 hours 


Education is more than _____________. 

Passing a test. 


Finish this phrase: Without disciplinaries... 

... there would be no interdisciplinary. 

Any thoughts on this? 


A PLN is what? 

Personal Learning Network 


What percentage of people age 18-29 vote? 

In 2016, only 19% of people aged 18-29 cast their ballot in the presidential election; at 49%, 45-64-year-olds accounted for the largest electorate last year. 

Only 1 in 5 youth vote. Today the voting population includes almost equal parts millennials and baby boomers. As the boomer electorate decreases in size, experts suggest it is merely a matter of time before millennials become the largest and most powerful group driving future elections in the U.S. 


What is an "Echo Chamber"? 

Surrounding themselves with media and voices that share their personal views. The echo chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system. Does anybody think this is relevant to politics today? 


Education should be about self dicovery and...?

Personal Growth 


Until the industrial revolution, education was dominated by...

religion and classical texts.


Exploring questions of morality and a higher truth, but with the advent of technology at the end of the nineteenth century, education was expected to prepare workers for the rapidly industrializing economy.


Fruit Salad and Smoothies are used as an analogy to what? 

Interdisciplinary and Disciplines 


New Hampshire gubernatorial (Governor) election, 2018

Chris Sununu (R) Incumbent 

Molly Kelly (D)

Jilletta Jarvis (Libertarian)


Five Barriers of Interdisciplinarity

Attitude, Communication, Academic Structure, Funding, Career Development. 


Employers like employees who...

know what they want, are confident in their decisions, think independently, know their strengths and weaknesses, and are curious about life.  


What Magazine said this quote...

"Businesses are looking for someone who is confident in themselves and what they want in a career, confident in the successful tasks they have completed, knowing your strengths, independent thinkers, ambitious problem solvers, goal-oriented proactive workers, works well on a team, enjoys learning new things, and finally, someone who is reliable and responsible. All of these things make up a phenomenal employee that any employer would like to hire”. 

Forbes Magazine


Where is the IDS office? 

The basement of the Library 


How many registered Sexual Offenders are in the Plymouth Zip Code? 

Nine, all but two of committed sexual assault on a victim under 13 years of age. 


What did a recent Princeton Study debunk about hours of practice?   

Hours of practice did not make a huge effect in performance. 

"We found that deliberate practice explained 26% of the variance in performance for games, 21% for music, 18% for sports, 4% for education, and less than 1% for professions. We conclude that deliberate practice is important, but not as important as has been argued."


 A person who is genuinely interested in what they’re currently doing is

much more valuable to an organization than a person who is doing something as a means to an end.


 Charles Eliot, President of Harvard University, played a key role in the development of the “liberal arts education", he believed...

that a student, by age eighteen, was old enough to select his own courses and pursue his own imagination


Some sources say the first documented academy was started by the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato.  He spent much of his youth learning from the great philosopher....



House of Representatives elections in New Hampshire, 2018 General election candidates...

Incumbents: Carol Shea-Porter and Ann McLane Kuster, Both Democrat

  • Chris Pappas (D)
  • Eddie Edwards (R)
  • Dan Belforti  (L)
  • Shawn O'Connor (Independent)

  • Annie Kuster (D) (Incumbent)
  • Steve Negron (R)
  • Justin O'Donnell  (L)

Interdisciplinary Studies allows students to...

Experiment, Ask Questions, Follow their Heart, Enjoy undergrad studies, Learn about themselves, Become Independent thinkers. 


The question—“how do we do interdisciplinarity?”—is a rhetorical question because

everyone is always already doing it.


In a study conducted by William Newell and James Davis in 1988, researchers found that students who study interdisciplinarity are more likely to develop:

affective cognitive skills; reading, writing, speaking, and thinking skills; higher curiosity for learning; more creativity and originality in thought processes; and an ability to integrate traditional ideas with current ideas. The benefits of finding creative and integrative ways to combine disciplines far outweigh the disadvantages of interdisciplinarity.


What can IDS be? 



Is the Earth flat? 
