Health & Wellness
Opening Paragraphs
Closing Paragraphs


You must start your multi-paragraph paper with a supporting paragraph.


You must start with an opening/introduction paragraph.


OPINION: What is one healthy food? Why is it healthy?

Depends on group's answer.



You should start an opening paragraph with your opinion.


You should start with an interesting or creative statement (or if you cannot think of a statement, you can use a rhetorical question).


After re-stating the main ideas in the paper through a quick summary, what are three ways to end a closing paragraph?

a. a call to action
b. words of advice
c. a prediction or a warning
d. a reminder of why the topic is important


In their first group project, where did Kirari, Miyu, Scott, and Shido go?

Casa Loma


What is a supporting paragraph? What should be in it? Explain its purpose.

A supporting paragraph provides a main argument/idea that supports the overall main topic or opinion of the writing piece. It can contain explanation, examples, statistics, or research data.


Name TWO strategies for improving physical health.

Name TWO strategies for improving mental health.

Physical health: working out, running, walking, jogging, exercising, eating well...

Mental health: talking to friends/family, listening to music, meditation, yoga, prayers, reflection...


In the gym, who is the strongest person? In fact, excessive sitting can cause issues in both physical and mental health. It is important for people to have time to be physically active, especially office workers.

^ Is this an appropriate opening sentence? Why/Why not?

Your starting sentence should be a creative statement, however if you choose to start with a rhetorical question instead, then make sure to provide an answer.

In the gym, who is the strongest person? The person lifting the heaviest weights may have the strongest body, but the person who takes time to improve their health and does their best is the one with the strongest heart.


There are TWO main modal verbs when giving advice. What are they?

Example: "You ______ finish your work before playing video games."

Should + Ought to


Define 'Industrial Revolution'.

The Industrial Revolution was the dramatic transition from creating goods by hand/agriculture to using machines. Its start and end are widely debated by scholars, but the period generally spanned from about 1760 to 1840.


What is the purpose of a closing paragraph? 

A summary paraphrasing of the main ideas, and a strong way to end the paper by reflecting on the future or importance of the main opinion/topic. It leaves an impact on the reader so they go 'wow!'.


DRAW! Vocabulary Pictionary.

Choose one person to come up to the front. Based on some of the AE50 vocabulary that was studied in the previous week, one person will DRAW the vocabulary term. The group who guesses correctly will win the points.

The word was 'obese'/'obesity'.

In academic writing, we do not use the word 'fat' to describe people. We say that person is 'overweight'. If their weight is dangerous to their health, we describe them 'obese'.


Nowadays, rabbits are important in modern society. With the development of technology, the internet can positively spread pictures of rabbits. Every coin has two sides, and as we all know, the internet can also be negative.

^ Is this a good opening? Why/Why not?

There is too much formulaic language:


in modern society

With the development of technology

Every coin has two sides

as we all know


Your topic is that teenagers are using social media too much and are becoming addicted.

What is a warning or prediction you can end on based on this topic?

Warnings can use a conditional 'if' structure -> If x, then y...

Predictions can use -> will, may, and might



The speaker in the listening assessment mentioned that she loves the cabbage soup diet, mainly because eating cabbage soup daily would lead to weight loss.


The speaker dislikes eating the same food every day.


How many paragraphs does a multi-paragraph piece of writing have?

There is no set number.


Give an example of climate change. How has climate change impacted people's physical and mental health?

Natural disasters, air pollution, hurricanes, earthquakes, droughts, heatwaves, extreme cold temperatures, loss of agricultural land, shrinking clean water access...= physical/mental stress for survival, safety, life...


Information is an ocean, and users are the sailors. That is why internet users these days have to be careful of misinformation on SNS, as it could lead them to believe wrong conclusions and share fake news with friends.

^ How can you make this opening paragraph more developed/longer?

Explain more after the opening sentence. WHY is information becoming an ocean? What kind of information (=internet info). Define terms like 'misinformation' or 'SNS'. Mention the dangers of misinformation before heading into the opinion about it.


Identify five inappropriate/incorrect parts in the following sentences:

If people do not use social medias property, they won't be able to communicate perfectly with others. Pay attention to your social media use and be happy!!!

social medias




Pay attention



4-Way Vocabulary Pictionary!

Based on some of the AE50 vocabulary that was studied in the previous week, one person from EACH group will DRAW the vocabulary term (they CANNOT speak). The group who guesses correctly FIRST will win the points.

The group that guesses correctly first gets the points.



You have to write a multi-paragraph paper. Come up with an opinion based on the following words: teenagers, communication, rabbits, internet

In an opinion/position, you can choose a side (ie. agree, disagree...)

Example: Teenagers often communicate on the internet with others by sending rabbit pictures so they can brighten someone's day and because rabbits can help bring feelings of peace.



Choose another team to work with. Both teams have a chance to get the points. Each group must write down more points than the other team to support their position. You have 30 seconds.

Social media (is/is not) a positive influence in teenagers' health.

Counting of the points - the teams with the most reasons wins.


You are arguing that having pets is very positive to human beings because pets can provide emotional support.

What is one creative statement you can make to open up this paper?

Examples: Animals have become best friends to humans.

Those who have no one to hug them can try the hug of a dog.

Many people give love for a price, but pets give love for free.


PARAPHRASE: Re-state this sentence in another way:

Social media is becoming harmful to teenagers because it leads them to getting lower academic results and not paying attention during classes.

Example: Social media has a negative influence on teenagers because it can cause them to get poor grades and lead them to being distracted in class.


DRAW! Group - come to the board.

You will be drawing the life cycle of a CHICKEN. You MUST explain orally as you draw.

Judged by the class! Did they do a good job?! Should they get FULL points? HALF points? NO points? You decide!