What is the key feature of imposter syndrome?
a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud.
T/F: you can have a mix a boundary types
When do inner critics normally develop?
How many hours before bed should you avoid eating/exercise?
Around ____% of people have experienced imposter syndrome.
If you nap, how long should you limit it to?
less than an hour
What are 4 features of porous boundaries?
Overshares personal info, difficulty saying no to requests of others, overinvolved with others' problems, dependent on opinions of others, accepting of abuse or disrespect, fears rejection if they do not comply with others.
Describer the underminer
tries to undermine your self esteem and wants you to stay small to avoid failing, being hurt, judged or rejected.
What is forgiveness NOT?
Reconciliation (repairing or returning to a relationship), Forgetting the injustice, Condoning or excusing the offender’s behavior, Granting legal mercy to the offender, “Letting go”, but wishing for revenge.
What are 4 risk factors for imposter syndrome?
toxic or hostile environment
experiencing discrimination or bias
first in family to take on a specific role
low self-esteem or self-defeating thoughts
achievement-oriented childhood
defining success based on job role
perfectionist tendencies
high need for external validation
Forgiveness is a process where....
someone who has been wronged chooses to let go of their resentment, and treat the wrongdoer with compassion.
What are 4 features of healthy boundaries?
values own opinions, doesn't compromise values for others, shares personal info in an appropriate way, knows personal wants and needs and communicates effectively, accepting when others say no to them.
Give an example of a statement an inner perfectionist or under-miner would say.
How many hours before bed should you avoid caffeine/ how long can it last in your body?
4-6, it can last in the body up to 12hrs.
What are 4 consequences of imposter syndrome?
− missed opportunities
− reduced productivity
− low self-esteem
− burnout
− loss of confidence
− social isolation
− depression
− anxiety
If you havent fallen asleep after ____ minutes you should get out of bed and do something.
What are the 6 types of personal boundaries?
emotional, physical, sexual, material, time, and verbal
What is the difference between and inner critic and an inner coach?
Critic- negative voice that is responsible for negative thoughts and feel mad, sad or defeated.
Coach- positive voice that is encouraging and makes you feel calm and confident
What are the 4 phases of forgiveness?
The Uncovering Phase.
The Decision Phase
The Work Phase.
The Deepening Phase.
What are 3 traits of imposter syndrome?
− having unrealistically high standards
− dreading being “found out” as a fraud
− hiding deficits rather than addressing them
− consistently feeling out of place or unworthy
− dwelling on negative feedback while ignoring praise & achievement
What are 4 features of rigid boundaries?
avoids intimacy and close relationships, unlikely to ask for help, has few close relationships, very protective of personal information, may seem detached-even with romantic partners, keeps others at a distance to avoid possibility of rejection
What are the 3 broad categories of boundaries?
Rigid, porous, healthy
Name 4 types of Inner Critics
Task Master, Inner Controller, Under-miner, Guilt-Tripper, Destroyer, Perfectionist, Molder
What are 3 things you can do to improve sleep hygiene?
Set a schedule, don't force yourself to sleep, avoid alcohol/nicotine/caffeine, avoid napping, only use your bed for sleep, exercise and eat well, and sleep in a comfortable environment.
Imposter syndrome refers to the....
long-lasting feelings of unworthiness that don’t match up with the facts or others’ perceptions.