Find the greatest common divisor d of 897 and 559.
Find integers x and y solving the equation
116x + 16y =GCD(116, 16)
x = 1 and y = -7
Encrypt the following message with a shift of +7
Logic is the foundation of the certainty of all the knowledge we acquire
Svnpj pz aol mvbukhapvu vm aol jlyahpuaf vm hss aol ruvdslknl dl hjxbpyl
Decrypt this message encrypted using the Caesar Cipher.
Vs V unir frra shegure guna bguref, vg vf ol fgnaqvat hcba gur fubhyqref bs tvnagf
If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants (+13)
Find the greatest common divisor d of 201 and 84.
Find integers x and y solving the equation
584x + 404y = GCD(584, 404)
x = 9 and y = -13
Encrypt the following message with affine key (21, 16)
The enchanting charms of this sublime science reveal themselves only to those who have the courage to go deeply into it
Zhw wdghqdzcdm ghqjie yr zhce eulnciw egcwdgw jwpwqn zhwiewnpwe ydna zy zhyew khy hqpw zhw gyujqmw zy my bwwtna cdzy cz
Decrypt this message, that was encrypted with Affine Key (7, 17)
Ul uolnt pol ml elu jelp xruotxruvfn vu vn mvaavfbqu ul htu rfglnn r gtrq attqveh rn ul uot ytrbud, uot mttstnu ytrbud, la erubgt
To those who do not know mathematics it is difficult to get across a real feeling as to the beauty, the deepest beauty, of nature
Find the greatest common divisor d of 1929 and 135.
Find integers x and y solving the equation
142x + 103y = GCD(142, 103).
x = 37 and y = -51
Encrypt the following message with rail fence cipher (4)
Just because we can’t find a solution it doesn’t mean that there isn’t one
Decrypt this message that used the Rail fence Cipher
Why are numbers beautiful? It's like asking why is Beethoven's Ninth Symphony beautiful (5)
Find the greatest common divisor d of 332 and 87.
Find integers x and y solving the equation
441x + 371y = GCD(441, 371)
x = 16 and y = -19
Use a columnar transposition cipher with a full rectangular array and keyword BACKFIRE to encrypt the following message:
Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules which are repeated without end
Cryptanalyze the following message. It was encrypted with a columnar transposition cipher using a full rectangular array.
An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God
Find the greatest common divisor d of 34924 and 7117
Find integers x and y solving the equation
1521x + 291y =GCD(1521, 291)
x = -22 and y = 115
Encrypt the following using the Vigenere Cipher with keyword ULTRA:
Discovery is something to be cherished.
Xtltoppkp im dhdensbeg nz uv cbpkzsbpw.
Decrypt this message, that was encrypted using the Vigenere Cipher
Yezhqqgtugy adi zhq vksgpz or qesfixiayy paakre aniol to ark uzhkrexgnpw, gnp aniol zhq ytcarycusas diiosrotust or fkagxe mgwz pxee az mspavzazx vadx.
Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part.