
What is not true about paragraphs?

a) A paragraph should have a topic sentence.

b) A paragraph will always include transition words.

c) A paragraph includes sentences about more than one idea.

d) A paragraph tells the reader there is a change, for example, an idea, time, or location.

c) A paragraph includes sentences about more than one idea.


True or False?

Right angles are made when edges are perpendicular to each other.



Who was our special guest with Mrs. Murphy?

Ms. Payton


Which of these does not belong?

a) The school's playground is brand new.

b) He doesn't feel well.

c) Mom and Dad aren't going.

d) Shouldn't we clean up this mess?

a) The school's playground is brand new.

Bonus: Why does it not belong?


What three-dimensional object is made with these nets?

Hexagon-based Prism


(Apartment 713 Ch. 20) Who returned in this chapter?

Mr. Williams


they're parents decided they were to young for such an ecspensive gift.

(Capital Letter)

(They're - change to Their)

(to - change to too)

(ecspensive = expensive)

Their parents decided they were too young for such an expensive gift.


Which statement is true about a net of a triangle-based prism?

a) The net would have more rectangles than triangles.

b) There would be two shapes in the net that are not triangles.

c) The net would have more triangles than rectangles.

d) Every face of the net would be touching every other face.

A) The net would have more rectangles than triangles.



Translate to English



This paragraph has more than one idea. What are they?

There I was on the field. The referee was constantly penalizing me for things that I hadn't really done. I walked across the street to the bus stop, and found out I was late for the bus. My cat had to go to the vet. It had a sore leg and it wasn't getting any better.

Idea 1: A game being played and being unfairly penalized by the referee.

Idea 2: Someone being late for the bus.

Idea 3: A cat going to the vet.


What is the name of:

A quadrilateral with no perpendicular sides, a line of symmetry, and some, but not all, sides equal?



(Apartment 713 Ch. 20) Why does Williams not allow Jake and Beth to go up the scaffolding?

He thinks back to Beth's father and what happened with him. He can also get the roof finished with the painters at the same time.


This paragraph's sentences are out of order. Which sentence would work best as the topic sentence?

When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin touched down as part of the Apollo 11 mission, they became the first humans to walk on the moon. We had been watching and studying space from a distance for hundreds of years, but we had never been able to explore extraterrestrial land. Until 1969, humankind had been sending various unmanned and manned spacecraft beyond Earth’s atmosphere, but humans had never set foot on anything besides our planet. Space exploration has continued to advance from this achievement to a point where humans now live in outer space for months at a time.

Until 1969, humankind had been sending various unmanned and manned spacecraft beyond Earth’s atmosphere, but humans had never set foot on anything besides our planet.


Is a square a rectangle? How do you know?

Support your answer with 3 attributes/properties.

Yes, because a square has four right angles. A rectangle and a square are both quadrilaterals (have 4 sides/edges). A square and rectangle also have two pairs of parallel sides/edges.


Est-ce qu'il dort?


Is he sleeping/asleep?