
What does ESC stand for?

Enrollment Solutions Center


EE would like to enroll into $30,000 of coverage. Their monthly premium rate per thousand is 1.13. What is their monthly premium?



Do Children go through the MUW process?



What is SF EOI?

Short Form Evidence of Insurability.


Where do we go to reset someone's password?



What is GI?

Guaranteed Issue. The amount of coverage applied for that is auto approved and does not have to go through the EOI process. 


EE's BAE is $55,800. If they were to enroll into 2X their BAE, using the rounding rule, what would be the coverage amount they are enrolling into? (Note: rounding rule to the nearest thousand.)

($111,600 rounded to) $112,000.

What is the 6 month rule?

Medical Underwriting process can continue for up to 6 months after the date of signature. After 6 months the applicant must complete a new EOI and re-apply for coverage. Prudential will go by the most recent signature and date on file.


Describe what an APS is.

An Attending Physician Statement is 5 years' worth of medical records history.


What enrollment website is used for RKS/GUL clients?


What is the Rounding Rule?

The coverage amount is rounded to an even dollar amount (usually $1,000).


EE's BAE is $57,900. If EE were to enroll into 4 X their BAE, using the monthly premium rate of 0.6434 per thousand, what would their coverage amount, and monthly premium be? (Note: Rounding rule applies).

Coverage amount: $232,000 with a $149.32/monthly premium. 

$57,900 X 4 = $231,600 --> Rounded to $232,000.

232 X 0.6434 = $149.32/monthly


Are we allowed to give someone their denial reason over the phone?



What would cause a withdrawn application?

A MUW application that has been closed and is no longer being processed. The application can be withdrawn voluntarily at the request of the employee or involuntarily because a requirement was not completed within the 60 Day timeframe.


True or False: We are able to see someone's password for the website.



Name 3 inquiries that the ESC line would receive.

When is my enrollment start/end?

What would my payroll deduction be if I enrolled into X amount?

How do I reset my password for the enrollment site?

How much coverage can I enroll into?


EE's BAE is $73,200. EE would like to enroll into 3X his BAE. EE's age is 37. See the below rate chart. What will his monthly premium be? (Note: Rounding rule to the nearest thousand applies).

Monthly Rate Per Thousand

20 - 29 -- 0.014

30 - 34 -- 0.034

35 - 39 -- 0.078

40 - 44 -- 0.096

45 - 49 -- 0.211

50 - 54 -- 0.567

55 - 60 -- 0.877

$73,200 X 2 = $219,600 --> Rounded to $220,000.

$220,000 / 1,000 = 220

220 X 0.078 = $17.16/monthly


What is the Info 6 icon in Omni/what is it used for?

Speech bubble with a blue question mark. It is used to check if someone is pending a SF EOI.


Who is our vendor for paramedical exams and is it the same for all employers?

Portamedic, or APPS, is used for all employers except AICPA. 

AICPA is Exam One, or Superior Mobil Medics.


What would 3 reasons be why someone cannot access the ESC website?

We do not do enrollment for their Employer.

Wrong Website / User Error

In-Compatible Browser or Device

Outside Enrollment Period

ID/PW does not match our records

Web is down


What is a Plan Highlight and what can be found in it?

A document that holds employer's enrollment information as well as coverages available for employees.

Plan Information, how much an employee can enoll into with or without EOI, says GI (Guaranteed Issue) amount, Rates, web enrollment site used, if PPSC is used, etc.


EE's BAE is $94,566. EE would like to enroll into 3X his BAE. EE's age is 45. See the below rate chart. What will his bi-weekly premium be? (Note: Rounding rule to the nearest thousand applies).

Monthly Rate Per Thousand

20 - 29 -- 0.014

30 - 34 -- 0.034

35 - 39 -- 0.078

40 - 44 -- 0.096

45 - 49 -- 0.211

50 - 54 -- 0.567

55 - 60 -- 0.877

$94,566 X 3 = $283,698 --> Rounded to $284,000.

$284,000 / $1,000 = 284

284 X 0.211 = $59.92/monthly

$59.92 / 2 = $29.96/bi-weekly


What are the 4 steps of MUW?

1. Employee elects coverage

2. MUW required

3. Application Decision

4. Coverage Activated


Where in Omni can you view if we send out approval letters for an Employer?

View --> Client Information


Describe EOI Connect Vs. EOI Self Connect?

EOI Connect:
Real time connection between employer’s online enrollment system and Prudential’s EOI screening. Seamless movement to EOI with no additional login.

EOI Self Connect:
Prudential emails applicants link to EOI website. Applicant self-registers on Prudential website and completes EOI online.