Festival Fun
CBT Skills
DBT Skills
Goals Setting
General MH/ SUD

How much was the original price of admission at the first Wisconsin State Fair in 1851? 

It cost 10 cents to enter the Wisconsin State Fair in 1851.


What is a "trigger" in the TRAP Cycle? Give an example. 

Trigger: a stressful life event, life changes, unrewarding environments

Example: getting into conflict with partner, moving to a new home, changing jobs/ careers


When do we use the DEARMAN skill? 

To express what we want from someone or to clearly set boundaries/ say No. 


What is 1 enjoyable BA you plan to engage in this weekend? (make it a SMART goal)

Example: I will go to the beach on Saturday for 2 hours. 


What is the Harm-Reduction Approach to treatment? 

Harm-reduction involves meeting patients where they are at (stages of change) and decreasing the health risks/ safety concerns of any activity the patient is engaging in without requiring them to stop the activity itself. 

EX: Providing Narcan to opiate users, snapping a rubber band instead of engaging in SH


What is the world's largest music festival? 



True or False: If I use assertiveness skills, I will get my way all the time (i.e. my boundaries will be responded, I will always get what I need from others, etc.) 

False! The primary goal of assertiveness is to communicate your point of view to others clearly and to set clear limits and boundaries with others. We communicate what OUR limits are - We CANNOT control how others will respond to that. 


How do you practice mindfulness of your Current Emotions to reduce emotional suffering? 

Observe your emotion, be mindful of your body sensations, remember you are not your emotion, and practice loving your emotion with acceptance and nonjudgment. 


What is 1 valued BA you will engage in this weekend?  (make it a SMART goal) 

Example: I will attend 1 recovery meeting on Sunday night for 1 hour. 


What year was the peer-run recovery group of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) established? 

1935! (Before WWII) 

AA is present in around 180 nations worldwide, and the estimated membership is more than two million. According to AA, there are more than 123,000 AA groups worldwide. In addition, the literature of AA has been translated into more than 100 languages.


How many funnel cakes does Six Flags sell per day across all of their theme parks? 

Six Flags sells over 15,000 funnel cakes every day.


Provide 2 examples of being in an "avoidance pattern." 

Examples: using substances to avoid responsibilities/ painful emotions, sleeping in rather than attending programming, giving up rather than engaging in problem-solving or accepting help 


How do you practice Opposite Action for anger? 

Instead of attacking/ lashing out, you could walk away from the person/ triggering situation or try to be nice and speak in a respectful, even manner. 


What is 1 routine BA you will engage in over the weekend?  (make it a SMART goal) 

Example: I will wash my dishes for 15 minutes on Friday night. 


What month is National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month? 



True or False: Six Flags buys used rides and coasters to save money.


The L.A. Times wrote an article describing the second-hand roller coaster market, pointing out that the Road Runner at Six Flags Magic Mountain was purchased used.


Give an example of symptom accommodation. 

Example: My BA assignment was to do 1 load of laundry after program. Instead of doing it myself, my spouse washed my laundry for me while I took a nap after program. 


What does TIPP stand for? 

Tip the temperature

Intense exercise

Paced breathing

Paired muscle relaxation 


Why is having a time-bound SMART goal important? 

So we have a clear deadline/ due date for the goal. If we do not make it time-bound, we might procrastinate on working on the goal. 


What is the foundational "need" in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? 

Physiological Needs: food, water, clothing, shelter, sleep, breathing


The first Wisconsin State Fair featured what 200-pound vegetable? 

The first Wisconsin State Fair was held in 1851 in Janesville, along the banks of the Rock River; it featured a 200-pound SQUASH!

What does TRAP/ TRACK stand for? 

Trigger > (Emotional) Response > Avoidance Pattern

Trigger > (Emotional) Response > Active Coping


Give an example of Asserting yourself by asking for what you want clearly and directly. 

Example: If I am upset, I want you to support me by prompting me to use a skill, instead of asking me why I am upset. 

I cannot take on any more tasks/ responsibilities today.  


What could you do if you do not complete 1 of your goals this weekend? 

You could adjust your due date for the goal, break the goal into smaller, more achievable steps, reach out to a support for help achieving the goal, etc.  


Who developed Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)? 

Marsha Linehan revealed that she had been institutionalized as a teenager for SH behaviors and other characteristics of borderline personality disorder. After her release, she went on to develop DBT to help others recover from similar difficulties.