What is a stock
partial ownership in a company that you buy
What is the % of American kids play video games?
Are avocados a fruit or a vegetable?
What does MVC stand for?
Motor Vehicle Commission
Is drinking soda and juice everyday a healthy habit or an unhealthy habit?
What does it mean to invest in a commodity?
invest in raw materials or primary agricultural products (gold, wheat, silver, other types of materials used to make things)
Excessively playing video games can physically rewire a young person’s _______________
True or false: the Eiffel Tower is 15 cm taller in the summer due to thermal expansion
Do you need to make an appointment to get your drivers' license?
What is a healthy habit that is good for your mind?
reading, journaling, talking with family and friends (answers could vary)
Name one example of an online stockbroker.
Fidelity, Interactive Stockbrokers, Webull, Merrill, Vanguard
Name one of the signs of gaming addiction
Most, if not all, free time is spent on the computer
Defensive behavior if questioned about gaming
More time is spent gaming than with friends and family
A loss of interest in activities that used to bring joy
Social isolation, moody, or easily aggravated
Real life friends are replaced by online friends
Schoolwork suffers, grades decline
Attempts to conceal gaming activities
What is the national animal of Scotland?
a unicorn
A road test for your drivers' license can be taken after you take what test first?
knowledge test
What is an unhealthy habit when it comes to eating?
skipping breakfast, too much sugar, too much soda, restrictive eating, etc (answers may vary)
Name one of the four types of investments
Answer could be: Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds or Commodities
What are one of the positive effects of playing video games?
Video Games May Reverse Negative Effects of Brain Aging
Video Games May Enhance Executive Functioning
Video Games May Improve Everyday Skills
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City
How old do you have to be to get a non-driving ID at the MVC?
How many hours of sleep does the average 18-21 year old need?
7 or more
What is one of the 30 companies that the DOW Jones Industrial Average is made of?
3M, American Express, Amgen, Apple, Boeing, Caterpillar, Chevron, Cisco Systems, Coca-Cola, Disney, Dow, Goldman Sachs, Home Depot, Honeywell, IBM, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, McDonald’s, Merck, Microsoft, Nike, Procter & Gamble, Salesforce, Travelers, UnitedHealth, Visa, Walgreens, and Walmart.
What is one of the negative effects of playing video games?
Video Games May Cause People to become More Violent
Video Games May Decrease Player’s Ability to Concentrate
Video Games May Cause Addiction
Video Games May Increase Depression and Anxiety
How many flavors of Kit Kat's do they have in Japan?
The points of ID have to add up to ____ poitns.
Why is it important to take care of your mental health?
answers will vary