Inferences & Tenses
Cause & Effect, Count & Non-Count Nouns
Food & First Impressions
Predictions, Advice
Compare & Contrast, Suffixes, Tenses

What is an inference?

An educated guess about something based on one's prior knowledge and the context. 


What is cause and effect?

Cause is the reason why something happens, and effect is what ends up happening. 


What goes at the top of a food pyramid and what goes at the bottom of it?

Healthier foods that you should eat more of go at the bottom, and unhealthier foods like fats and sugary foods go at the top. 


What is a prediction? 

This is something that you guess may happen in the future. 


Where does a suffix go in a word? 

At the end. 


What is present continuous?

Something that you had been doing before and are continuing to do


Count or non-count: How many apples did you buy?

Count noun


Please give examples of three different fruits.

Examples: oranges, pears, apples, mangos, watermelon, peaches, plums, strawberries, ect. 


Please fill in the blanks: While cleaning your room is not fun, you _______ still clean so that you don't lose things easily. You _________ also make sure other parts of your house are clean. 

Should used for both. 


What is simple past?

This talks about a routine someone engaged in before. 


What is simple future?

Something that will happen one day. 


Count or non-count: How much chocolate did you eat before dinner?



Please think of at least four sources of protein. 

Chicken, beef, beans, peanut butter, lamb, goat, ect. 


When should you listen to advice? Pick one or more of the following:

- In order to improve

- To become a better person

- To try something new

- To waste time.

- To not learn anything 

- In order to improve

- To become a better person

- To try something new


What is the difference between comparing and contrasting? 

Comparing is when you look at how two or more things are similar, while contrasting is how two or more things are different. 


Which is an inference you could make about the following sentences: The child kept touching the hot stove despite warnings from his mother. One day he did this, he burned his hand very badly and started crying. 

a. The child is often disobedient 

b. The child probably stopped touching the stove after being hurt. 

c. The child didn't care about being burned. 

a and b are correct. 


Count or non-count: Don't watch movies during class or you will miss out on content and likely get into trouble. 

Count noun. 


What is a first impression?

These are assumptions you make about someone when you meet them for the first time based on their behavior and over all appearance. 

Please pick one or more of the following predictions you can make from these sentences: The girl always studies for her tests after school, often spending 4+ hours doing so. 

a. She will do good on all of her tests.

b. She will have more confidence.

c. She will become the mayor. 

a. She will do good on all of her tests.

b. She will have more confidence.


Which of the following is an example of comparing and contrasting?

a. Juice and soda are both bad for one's health if consumed too much, although juice has more vitamins. 

b. Nobody likes shots but you need them sometimes.

c. All vegetables are good for health, and they taste the same. 

a. Juice and soda are both bad for one's health if consumed too much, although juice has more vitamins. 


Which of the following is not an inference you could make: The hero always did his best to keep his city safe. That largely meant helping people more at risk, such as children, the elderly, and those with disabilities. 

a. The hero believes it is his duty to protect other people from crime and other hardships. 

b. The hero grew up or otherwise learned how to treat people respectfully and help when he can. 

c. The hero doesn't care about those he saves.

c. The hero doesn't care about those he saves.


Please identify the cause and the effect in the following sentences: Because of the rain, the football game was postponed to the next day. 

Cause: The rainfall

Effect: The game was postponed. 


Please give at least four examples of things that affect peoples' first impression of others. 

Examples: Their clothing, their voice, their eye contact, the way they drive, their job, their behaviors.


Please come up with two possible predictions of your own about the following sentence: The judge's daughter kept winning the beauty pageants. Numerous model companies wanted to recruit her.

Answers vary. 


Which of the following is not an example of comparing and contrasting?

a. While movies take quicker to finish than books, books are full of more rich details. 

b. Even though riding a motorcycle is less safe than driving a car, motorcycles are more fun to ride. 

c. The batman is coming to our wedding today. Robin will be there too.

c. The batman is coming to our wedding today. Robin will be there too.