Dave & Leanne have a dog named “Ninja” T/F?
Favorite sport played by our family?
Dislikes insects
Sister who enjoys Bible Study
Da Yi
Name the youngest and oldest grandkids.
Youngest: Andy (Anderson)
Oldest: Lucy
Peter grew up in a monastery. T/F?
and has met the Dalai Lama!
Name 3 family members who live in New York City.
Any of these:
Cindy, Eric, Alexa, Olivia, Katie, Peter, Joey, Andy, Lucy, Annie
Afraid of dogs
Two sisters whose house had or has a swimming pool?
Da yi and San Yi
Who knocked out two front teeth as a kid?
Elizabeth’s favorite holiday is Christmas. T/F?
FALSE. Her favorite holiday is Valentine;s Day!
Favorite Chinese dish of both Katie and Annie
Peking Duck
Afraid of caterpillars
Two sisters who have lived in New Jersey?
Er Yi and Shao Ah Yi
Who was born on St Patrick’s Day?
Linus can wiggle only his right ear. T/F?
False! Only left ear.
How many family members (spouses included) hold degrees from U.Penn?
San yi fu, Shao yi fu, Er Yi Fu, Shao Ah Yi, Leanne, Liana, Katie, Peter, Cindy, Eric (Lee), Gilbert, Harriet, Marvin, Lucy
Afraid of spouse
Shao Yi Fu
Which two sisters have the same birthday?
Shao Ah Yi and Da Yi
What is Alexa’s favorite color?
She does not have a favorite color!