I Spy...(nutrition label)
Sugar Cessation Challenge
Cool / Inflame
Name that Herb / Spice
Weight Loss Strategies
Besides drinking juice, what main ingredient would you want to avoid in this beverage. Minute Maid Cranberry Apple Raspberry
What is High Fructose Corn Syrup
This stimulant should be avoided during the Sugar Cesstion Challenge "hard" plan.
What is caffeine
[Picture] Is this food a "cool" or "inflame" food?
What is inflame food
This spice is said to increase metabolism due to a phytochemical called capsaicin.
What is cayenne (or red peppers)
True or False - Snacking between meals is a proven method for increasing metabolism.
How many teaspoons of sugar are in the Odwalla beverage?
What is 11 teaspoons?
The carbohydrates "allowed" on the Easy plan are based off of the ______ ________.
What is the glycemic index
[Picture] Dark chocolate
What is cool
This spice has a warm and spicy flavor. Some people use it to decrease blood sugars.
What is cinnamon
A very low-carb diet may be suitable for someone with diabetes or metabolic syndrome, but not for (name 2 conditions)
What is hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue
Name 4-5 different kinds of sugar found in Special K Protein and Fiber granola bar?
What is sugar, fructose, dextrose, corn syrup, sorbitol,
If you are feeling hungry during the Sugar Cessation Challenge, you should
What is eat more protein and nonstarchy vegetables
These types of fatty acids, when in excess, are said to trigger inflammation in the body
What is Omega 6 Fatty Acids
This spice is known for it's wide anti-inflammatory properties attributed to a phytochemical called curcumin.
What is turmeric
Choosing 2 days per week to eat 25% less calories is a form of...
What is fasting
What are the names of the sugars found in the Jell-O black cherry?
What is aspartame and acesulfame potassium
This fruit is sour and one of the only "allowed" fruits on the "Eat and Measure" area of the Hard plan.
What is Green or Granny Smith Apples
This fruit is considered to be anti-inflammatory because it contains an enzyme, papain, that aids in digestion and breaking up inflammatory complexes.
What is papaya
This herb has a grassy flavor and often consumed as a drink. It may increase metabolism, improve brain health, and is a potent antioxidant.
What is green tea
Eating this food group before and after exercise has been shown to improve body composition and metabolism
What is protein
If you ate a whole box of Reese's pieces, how many teaspoons of sugar would you be consuming?
What is 16 teaspoons
This type of nut is banned during any detox-related plan because it is typically moldy.
What is peanuts
This is derived from animal bones and cartilages. When consumed it can improve skin, tissues, the lining of the digestive tract, and also serves as a protein source.
What is gelatin
This herb is known for its anti-stress, anti-anxiety, and calming effects. It is most often used as an oil or aromatherapy but can also be consumed.
What is lavendar
This is one reason why some people lose weight quickly, but fat AND muscle
What is dieting without exercise