Christian Scientists*
Modern Science vs. Christianity
Random/other theories
Creation views

Name the famous christian scientist that...

invented the reflecting telescope, proposed new theory of light and color, discovered calculus, developed three laws of motion, devised law of universal gravitation and advanced early modern chemistry



What is the event that caused modern science to move away from Christianity? *

The Age of Enlightenment


What evidence is there in nature for intelligent design?*

Anything in nature, from the structure of the universe to the minuscule organelles inside a cell. 


What is the RNA world hypothesis for the origin of life?*

a theory for the first life that proposes that the first life might have used RNA instead of DNA and proteins 


What are the different interpretations of Genesis 1?*

-Young-age creationism

-Progressive creationism

-Theistic evolution

-Intelligent design 


Name the famous christian scientist that...

discovered the laws of free fall, projectile motion, and the concept of inertia



What do stories have to do with the "divide" of Christianity and modern science?

People tend to remember well-told stories, even if false, which might explain why so many that is was scientists who bravely rejected church authority and exalted reason and thus set people free from superstitious ignorance. 


What is the watchmaker argument?

An argument which states, by way of an analogy, that a design implies a designer, especially intelligent design by an intelligent designer


What is the panspermia hypothesis for the origin of life?*

The theory that life came from outer space and was dispersed by interstellar bodies like asteroids, meteoroids, and comets. 


Define Young-age creationism

"God created the earth 6,000 years ago in 6, 24-hour days. Living organisms were created distinct and separate."


Name the famous christian scientist that...

Avogadro's Number, Quantum Theory of Light, General Theory of Relativity, Special Theory of Relativity, The Photoelectric Effect, Wave-Particle Duality, Brownian movement, the relationship between mass and energy, Bose-Einstein Condensate, and many more.



How does faith plays a role in science?*

If we ask, Why are the laws of physics the way the are? We find out that science cannot account for the underlying truths that make it work. Scientists operate by faith. 


How does the anthropic principle point to intelligent design? *

Says that "We can only observe the universe because it exists in a way that allows us as observers to exist."


What is the definition of science? 

The process of using observable evidence to construct testable explanations and predictions for natural phenomena 


Define Progressive creationism

"God created basic kinds of living organisms separately, with the capacity to change and adapt to their circumstances over time. Human beings were created separately by God at a much later time"


Name the famous christian scientist that...

discovered that the Earth and planets travel about the sun in elliptical orbits



How is Modern science is consistent with Christianity?*

Science is the exploration of the world that God made us. Science assumes an orderly universe. Because there are laws of nature, there must be a "legislator" who wrote them.


What did the Miller-Urey Experiment prove? *

It proves that chemical evolution did not happen,(at least not on Earth)


Define Microevolution 

evolutionary change within a species or small group of organisms, especially over a short period


Define Theistic evolution

"The evolutionary theory is true, but God oversaw this process." There are many different ways that people say how God did this. 


Name the famous christian scientist that... 

was the first European scientist to propose that Earth and other planets revolve around the sun, the heliocentric theory of the solar system



What modern scientific principles are based on a christian worldview? *

-Nature is valuable enough to study 

-Nature is good but not God

-Nature is orderly 

-Nature's laws can be precisely stated and understood

-Humans can discover natures's order

-Detailed observation is possible and important

-The universe is rationally intelligible because God is rationally intelligent 


How does irreducible complexity point to intelligent design? *

A complex machine does not function if one piece were missing, and when you apply this to biology, you see that complex biological systems, (like an eye,) could not have evolved slowly through a series of many steps. 


Define Macroevolution 

major evolutionary change, applies mainly to the evolution of whole taxonomic groups over long periods of time.


Define Intelligent design

the theory that the universe and living things were designed and created by the purposeful action of an intelligent agent