What was Marie Antoinette’s last recorded act while ascending the stairs to the guillotine?

She apologized for stepping on her executioners' foot.  


The fungus (Ergot) found in moldy rye bread derives from LSD, causes hallucinations, delusions, convulsive fits and a host of other symptoms. This fungus was the root cause for what famous event?  

Salem Witch Trials 


The Tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi is the burial chamber for China’s First Emperor. It holds how many life size terracotta warriors?  



The Black Plague made a return to Europe a few years after its original hit in 1347. Along with encouraging social distancing they developed a quarantine for incoming sailors to stay isolated on their ships. How long was this quarantine?  

40 days 


In Victorian times the women wore heavy extravagant hats that required a very large hat pin to keep it in place. The hat pins could be up to 2 feet in length. What other use did the women's society encourage women to use the hat pin for?

Self Defence. 

Written in multiple articles by the Women's Society it explains that if a women should be attacked by a man in the streets she should use her hat pin to stab him and defend herself.


Ancient Egyptians famously wore heavy black eye makeup. Why was this practised?  

It was a medicinal practice that helped protect against eyes disease.  


Which ancient civilization had the first documented governmental health care plan?  



Lead by Charles Edward Steward, the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion against the British marked the end of the Highlander culture. How did Charles Edward Stewart escape the British after the Battle of Culloden?

He disguised as a women 


During the Russian Revolution, the Soviets ordered the execution of the Romanov Family. Despite using multiple rounds of gun fire, bayonets, knifes and brutal force the execution took a painful 20 minutes to kill the family.  Why did it take so long to kill the Romanov’s?  

They had sewn diamonds and royal jewels into their undergarments which acted as a bullet proof vest


In the written agreement formally ending World War 2, which country signed in the wrong place?



First introduced in Italy in the 11th century, what instrument was labeled as “a sacrilegious offense to god” and nicknamed “artificial hands”?  

A fork


During WW1 Australian soilders planted farms in order to feed themselves. However they found their farms destroyed by a specific animal. Machine gun fire did not seem to faze them, and they were able to continue wreaking havoc even after sustaining bullet wounds. For a while the Australian Government waged war against this animal. What animal was destroying their farms?

The Australian Emu


At US President Andrew Jackson's funeral in 1845, his pet parrot had to be removed because it was doing what?

Swearing loudly


Dated to 14th Century BC, archeologists found a dagger belonging to King Tut. What was his dagger made from?



What Revolution hired Pirates to attack enemy ships?

American Revolution 


In the 13 century Pope Gregory the 4th ordered an extermination of what animal for fear they did the work of Satan?  

Black Cats


The French Revolution resulted in the world's first public what?



In 1857 while Spain controlled most of South America, the Spanish found themselves frequently fighting the Mapuche tribe for their land. They captured a young indigenous Mapuche chieftain named Galvarino along with 150 members of his tribe. They had both of Galvarino's hands amputated, and presumed that his punishment would encourage the Mapuche to submit to Spanish rule. But instead Galvarino encouraged his people to continue fighting, and returned to battle. How did he fight without his hands?

Galvarino strapped knives to his arms. 

It is documented that he cut through Spanish soilders during the Battle of Lagunillas and utilized his newly acquired appendages. His story helped inspire his people to continue their battle against the Spanish. 


What popular soft drink was originally created by Native Americans?

Root Beer


Financial mismanagement lead the price of flour to skyrocketed and caused the cost of a loaf of bread to become equal to a peasant's monthly earnings during which Revolution?

French Revolution 


In the 1830’s what popular condiment was sold as medicine for indigestion?  



When the Maya wanted to please the rain god, they painted a human sacrifice in a vivid pigment. This color is known as what?

Maya Blue


What are the most points Mr. Ehrke scored in a basketball game in high school? 



In 1620, George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, dug a large hole in the ground at the center of Stonehenge. What was he looking for?

Buried Treasure


The victims of Pompeii didn’t have a word in their language for what?  


They only had a word for "mountain"