Northern States
Southern States
Eastern States
Western States
Central States

In Alaska, it is illegal to wake a sleeping ____ to take a photo.

A. Bear  B. Moose  C. Bald Eagle

A. Bear

It's unclear whether this law is real or not, but did you know that a bear can run up to 25 mph? So, waking a sleeping bear for a photo isn't a good idea either way.


T or F: In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.

True. This law appears to have been enforced to maintain the dignity of church services.


In Maine, it's illegal to park in front of what?

A. Walmart  B. Dunkin Donuts  C. Burger King

B. Dunkin Donuts

This only applies for Berwick, Maine. Fun Fact: It's rumored that all of Maine must take down their Christmas décor by January 14th.


T or F: In Arizona, it's illegal for iguanas to sleep in bathtubs.

False. It's actually illegal for DONKEYS to sleep in bathtubs. 

This law passed in 1924 soon after a dam broke and flooded a rancher's property that was home to a donkey who was sleeping in a bathtub.


In Oklahoma, it's illegal to wrestle a ____.

A. Goat  B. Llama  C. Bear

C. Bear

As of 1996, because of its popularity in some local bars, it's illegal to wrestle a bear as part of a statute against animal cruelty for entertainment. It's also illegal to subject a bear to medical alteration, like de-clawing, as well as drugging a bear for the purpose of wrestling.


T or F: It's illegal to sleep in a mattress factory in South Dakota.

False. It's actually illegal to sleep in a CHEESE factory in S.D.

This law was written about in a Lodi, CA newspaper that was issued in 1948. It states that it's illegal to sleep in a cheese factory unless the cheese is in closed packages.


If a(n) ____ is left tied to a parking meter in Florida, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.

A. Elephant  B. Donkey  C. Dog

A. Elephant

The law actually states that any mode of transportation must have parking paid for it, including elephants, horses, and camels. This law possibly originated in the late 1920s when the Ringling Bros. Circus moved their winter operations to Florida.


T or F: In Pennsylvania, it is illegal to tell a fortune teller where to dig for buried treasure.

True. This is because it's illegal to tell fortunes that result in any kind of monetary gain in Pennsylvania.

It's illegal to go ___ in a cemetery in Oregon.

A. Fishing  B. Hunting  C. Camping

B. Hunting

Originated in 1972, this law is intended to protect cemeteries in the same fashion as other public spaces which are protected from hunting.


T or F: In Iowa, one must obtain written permission from the City Council before throwing brick into a highway.

True. This law only remains true in Mount Vernon, Iowa. Fun Fact: It's rumored that one-armed piano players must play for free in Iowa.

In Wisconsin, it's illegal to serve ___ substitutes in restaurants.

A. Cheese  B. Butter  C. Meat

B. Butter

Originally, butter substitutes were completely banned in WI until the law was repealed in 1967. But it remains illegal in public places unless specifically requested.


T or F: In Hawaii, it's illegal to place earbuds in one's ear.

False. It's actually illegal to place COINS in one's ear.

According to a theory, this law originated to protect the Kingdom of Hawaii coinage in 1900, when Hawaii became a state.


In Connecticut, _____ cannot be legally considered ____ unless it bounces.

A. A Tennis Ball  B. A Basketball  C. A Pickle

C. A Pickle. 

During the 1800s, a group of men sold cucumbers disguised as pickles, but with a heftier price tag. This resulted in officials stating that, without tasting a pickle, it's only real if it bounces.


T or F: In Washington, it's a felony to harass Bigfoot, Sasquatch or other undiscovered subspecies.

True. It's punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment. This law originated in 1969 during the height of Bigfoot fever in Washington.

In Missouri, it's illegal to drive with an uncaged ___ in your car.

A. Dog  B. Bear  C. Cat

B. Bear

True to an 1899 law which prohibits the leading of an uncaged bear through streets or roads.


T or F: It's illegal to bring a donkey with you to city council meetings in Montana.

False. It's actually illegal to bring a ROCKET with you.

This law is specific to Billings, Montana. Fun fact: People believe someone would guide sheep onto a railroad track with intent to injure them, because it's rumored to be illegal in the entire state.


T or F: In Louisiana, you can be fined $500 for sending a surprise pizza delivery to someone's house.


Pizza delivery isn't the only thing you can't surprise a friend with as the 1999 law states that placing an order for any goods or services for someone without their knowledge is illegal.


T or F: In Maryland, it is a violation to be in a public park with a jump rope, $10 fine.

False. However, it's a violation to be in a public park with a SLEEVELESS SHIRT.

Enforced since 1898, this law is actually specific to Baltimore public parks and does not apply to wanderers who are allowed to visit the zoo while wearing sleeveless shirts.


In Nevada, it's illegal to ride a ___ on the highway.

A. Donkey  B. Horse  C. Camel

C. Camel

This law possibly originated in the mid-1800s when private U.S. companies and the military introduced camels into the everyday life of the West.


T or F: In Kansas, a poorly worded law states that if two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed.

True. This law is also on the books in Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin. An urban legend says that an official had purposely attached the poorly worded law to a bill, hoping his colleagues wouldn't pass it because of how ridiculous the train track law is, but clearly that wasn't the case.


In Idaho, it's illegal to sweep ___ into the streets.

A. Dirt  B. Confetti  C. Coffee Beans

A. Dirt

This law only applies to those who live in Eagle, Idaho. Fun fact: there's a rumor that it's illegal to give someone a 50 pound box of chocolates in Idaho.


T or F: In Tennessee, it's illegal to share your Netflix password.


Enacted in 2011, this law was aimed at hackers who sell passwords in bulk; however, it affects anyone who shares their log-in credentials with others who do no live under the same roof.


In New Hampshire, it's illegal to carry away or collect ___ at night.

A. Seaweed  B. Shells  C. Baby Turtles

A. Seaweed

As of 1973, this law could have stemmed from colonial times when seaweed was used as fertilizer by farmers. Town ordinances regulated harvesting to ensure that everyone had a fair chance.


T or F: In Utah, it's illegal to sell alcohol during emergency situations.

True. There's also a rumored beverage-based Utah law that it's illegal not to drink milk.


In Arkansas, it's illegal to mispronounce what?

A. February  B. Athlete  C. Arkansas

C. Arkansas

Since 1881, it's been illegal to mispronounce the state name as it is intended to reflect the state's heritage and is a French pronunciation of a word in the Sioux language.