Healthy Coping Skills
Unhealthy Coping Skills

Name 3 healthy coping skills.

- Read a Book

- Writing/Drawing/Painting

- Listening to Music

- Spending Time with Friends/Family

- Go for a Walk

- Deep Breathing

- Meditation


Name one example of an unhealthy coping skill.

- Avoiding Help

- Fighting

- Yelling at others

-Making unhealthy or unsafe choices


True or False: 

Talking to others about problems in our lives is a healthy coping skill.


Talking to others allows us to share our emotions and problems so that we do not have to go through them alone.


How do you make seven an even number?

Take out the "S" in the word seven.


Which of the coping skills below are unhealthy.

- Talking to a Trusted Friend/Adult

- Destroying Property

- Hair pulling and eating it

- Exercising

- Taking Feelings Out on Others

- Yelling at someone you don't like

- Destroying Property

- Hair pulling and eating it

- Taking Feelings Out on Others

- Yelling at someone you don't like


Name two unhealthy coping skills.

- indulging in preferred activity

- Sleeping too Much

- Eating too Much

- Avoiding the Problem

- Denial of the problem or MINIMIZING the issue


True or False:

Every coping skill is healthy.


Some ways that we learn to cope are not healthy for us! (ex: fighting, eating too much, running from problems, etc.)


Why are ghosts bad liars?

Because you can see right through them!


Healthy coping skills help us:

a.) Deal with stressors in our lives

b.) Work through our emotions and problems

c.) Process our thoughts and emotions

d.) All of the above

d.) All of the above

Using healthy coping skills allow us to take a minute and process what is happening with our emotions, stressors, thoughts, and problems.


How can unhealthy coping skills negatively affect our lives?

They can cause us to hurt ourselves, Hurt Others, Creates Problems in our lives, Lose Friendships


True or False:

Coping skills are used to avoid problems in our lives.


Coping skills help us work through our problems and emotions. You do not want to avoid these! Avoiding is considered an unhealthy coping skill.


Why are fish so smart?

Because they live in a school.


Name three things that you can journal about.

- Your Feelings (sad, happy, mad, motivated, etc.)

- Thoughts

- Favorite Activities 

- Goals 

- Future Events


Charlene gets in to a fight with her mom. She decides to leave the situation and go for a walk. Is this a healthy coping skill?

Yes! (and maybe no)

Going on a walk and leaving the situation is a great way to reduce stress and calm down. But make sure you let someone know you're leaving!


True or False:

Coping skills are not important to your well-being.


Coping skills create a sense of calmness, confidence, and inner-peace. They are important for your overall health.


What do you call a wizard from outer space that can fly?

A flying sorcerer!


What is the doubting mind? how do we get rid of it?

The doubting mind is a mental state. Often it presents as anxieties. Unfortunately, most of us do not see doubt as doubt per se, but instead we experience it as an objective assessment of reality. As a result, we swallow—hook, line, and sinker—the lies our doubting mind tells us. 

there are steps you can take to work with your doubt:

  • Bring mindful attention to the experience of doubt.
  • Name the doubt in your mind or out loud as “doubt.”
  • Notice how the doubt expresses itself in your body, heart, and mind.
  • Give the doubt space to be there without judging or condemning it. It is most likely a well-entrenched mental pattern.
  • Bring compassion to yourself during the painful process of opening up to the doubt. Compassion will soften the pain and bring a measure of caring and respect that can loosen doubt’s hold over you.

why do we turn to the easiest way out? 

because often it is simpler and does not require us to face our problems.


True or False

A coping skill is the way you choose to respond to feelings of stress, fear, worry, anger and other emotions



How do you make a Kleenex Dance?

Put a lil' boogie in it