BARK is...
Bold, Ambitious, Respectful, Kind
How do I enter the classroom?
Silently and safely
I can show respect at lunch by...
Clean up by putting trash in the trash can
I can show respect in the bathroom by...
Use a quiet voice & cleaning up after yourself!
- Listen for directions from bus driver and safeties
Sharing a response is great. I have to...
Raise my hand and wait to be called on!
It is important to stay quiet because
You want to honor the other students working in other classes
I can show perseverance at lunch by
Wait patiently in the lunch line
I can show I am responsible in the bathroom by
Use the appropriate amount of time
When I am in school, my cell phone is
Off and in my backpack
If I borrow something, I must
return it!
Any materials on the walls should be...
Only for looking! Keep your hands to self.
I can show collaboration at recess by...
Allow others to join play & Compromise
I can show perseverance in the bathroom by... (hint prior to going!)
Wait until an appropriate time to leave the classroom
If I need the nurse, I will
Ask for a pass and walk to the nurses' office.
True/False: I can leave the room whenever!
False. I need to ask and wait for a response.
I can show initiative in the hallway by
Walk quietly without being reminded
I can show responsibility at recess and lunch by
Using kind words and making safe choices
I can show initiative by...
Asking adult prior to exiting classroom (sign language)
When I am on a SCHOOL field trip, I will
Follow all school rules
In this classroom we are...
Kind to others and kind to yourself!
Using the quiet sign and facing front! (Model the way!)
I can show initiative at recess and lunch by
Reporting any unsafe behavior and modeling the way!
When I use the bathroom I will always!
School is a place where...
I feel safe and can learn!