Pre Revolution
Government Beginnings
The Impending Crisis
Reconstruction and Gilded Age
Everything Else

Beginning in 1754, this was known as the "War for Empire" between France and Great Britain. 

What is the French and Indian War? 


He invented the cotton gin.

Who is Eli Whitney.


Elected in this year, Abraham Lincoln spoke that "a house divided cannot stand" 

What is 1860? 


This constitutional amendment outlawed slavery in the United States.

What is the 13th Amendment? 


Japan attacked the United States at this site on December 7, 1941.

What is Pearl Harbor? 


Informally known as the "bread basket", this region of colonies was known for it's lush grain fields.

What are the Middle Colonies? 


This was the most controversial, debated component of Hamilton's Financial Plan

What is the Bank of the United States? 


Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote this significant novel, resulting in Abraham Lincoln telling her that she was "the little woman who started this big war."

What is Uncle Tom's Cabin? 


Utilizing this linear method of creating a monopoly, Rockefeller led Standard Oil.

What is horizonal integration? 


This was the official name of the law that became the 18th Amendment (Prohibition).

What is the Volstead Act? 


HE discovered THIS CASH CROP in Jamestown, forever saving the colony.

Who is John Rolfe, tobacco? 

He was Jefferson's cousin and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court under the Marbury v. Madison decision.

Who is John Marshall? 


This agreement between the United States and Mexico ended the Mexican American War.

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?


In 1896, William Jennings Bryan gave this famous speech, declaring that he favored the coinage of silver.

What is the Cross of Gold speech? 

"The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair resulted in these pieces of legislation. 

What is the Pure Food and Drug Act & Meat Inspection Act? 


He wrote the famous sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God".

Who is Jonathan Edwards?


This was the name of and one facet of Henry Clay's domestic policy plan.

What is the American System.

1. New national tariff

2. Charter for the Second Bank of the United States

3. Funding for internal improvements. 

He was attacked on the floor of the Senate over his thoughts on slavery.

Who is Charles Sumner? 


In this year, the GOLDEN SPIKE represented the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad.

What is 1869? 


These Italian immigrants were found guilty of robbery and murder in the years following WWI, despite spotty evidence.

Who are Sacco & Vanzetti? 


Led by this man in 1680, it resulted in the temporary sovereignty of the Pueblo people.

Who is Pope? 


This state sponsored the Great Compromise, setting up our current legislative structure.

What is Connecticut? 


These were the four major provisions of the Compromise of 1850.

1. California as a free state.

2. Outlawed slave trade in DC

3. Stricter Fugitive Slave Laws

4. Popular Sovereignty for all remaining land. 


In this landmark decision, the Supreme Court declared that the 14th Amendment did not protect victims of domestic terrorism or acts of violence.

What is Cruikshank v. United States? 


This was the most popular agency of the New Deal, putting 3 million young men to work in National Parks, forests, etc. 

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps?