What is the full name of our school?
Valley View Middle School
What is our classroom number?
Room E3
What time does the first class start?
8:00 am
Who is a custodians who cleans our room each day?
Mr. Romeo, Mr. Frelie or Mr. Thanh
How long can you keep a library book?
2 weeks
What is the name of your teacher in this room?
Mr. Hendrickson
Who is our Principal?
Ms. Buscemi
What time does school end?
Scenario: What do you do when you hear the first bell at 8:20?
We get ready to walk with our class to room E3
Do we allow cell phones out in class?
Name one SEA in this classroom
Ms. Dana, Ms. Lorie, Ms. Katrina
How many teacher assistants work in this room?
What are our school colors?
Black and Gold
Where should cell phones or airpods be kept?
In your backpack
Where should you keep your gum or your candy?
In your backpack
Where do we gather during fire drills?
On the blacktop
Where do you keep your backpacks?
at your desk or on the wall
Where should I be when the first bell rings at 7:55?
In the front of the school
Is it okay to run in the hallway?
Scenario: During a fire alarm what should you do?
Don't panic! Follow the teachers instructions.
What town is our school in?
Pleasant Hill
How many hours are in the school day?
Are you ever allowed to write in a library book?
When is the time to eat in this room?
never - unless it is special occasion such as a birthday party
What is the most important thing to do during a lockdown?
To sit quietly.