What is the full name of our school?
Richland Creek Elementary School
What is our classroom number?
Room 108
What time does the dismissal bell ring?
3:45 pm
Who is the custodian who works hard at RCES?
Mr. McKenzie
How long can you keep a library book?
2 weeks
What is the name of your new art teacher?
Ms. Morris
Who is our Principal?
Ms. Brower
What time does the school open for students?
8:45 am
What is the name of our broadcast?
Bulldog News Network
Where would I find the life story of Michael Jordan?
Name one IA in the school.
Ms. Johnson, Ms. Slocum, Ms. Friedley, Ms. Benitez, Ms. Pellegrino, Ms. Otero, Ms. Whitaker, Ms. Davis, Ms. Spellman, Ms. Hayes, Ms. Jones, Ms. Shah, Ms. Stanley, Ms. Spruill, Ms. Maudlin
How many teachers are in your grade level?
Fifth - 4
Fourth - 3
Third - 6
What are our school colors?
Black and yellow
What is the name of our mascot?
Where would we go in case of a tornado drill?
In the hallway
Where do we gather during fire drills?
Outside - go through the front door
Who is our school counselor?
Ms. Southern
Who is our PE teacher?
Mr. Gray
Is it okay to run in the hallway?
Popular fiction
What town is our school in?
Wake Forest
What time does the tardy bell ring?
Are you ever allowed to write in a library book?
How many graphic novels can you check out?
Up to two books for grades 4 & 5
Where do we go for a lockdown?
In the reading room.