By topics.
Repetition of initial consonant sounds in a series of words
The central idea or message of a work of literature, often expressed as a general statement about life.
A statement that the author wants to discuss; the main idea or argument of an essay or presentation
When Mrs. Davis is instructing you should be
If we are working on Google Classroom (or another website like StudySync or Common Lit) what should your screen be on?
Whatever we are working on.
The repetition of the same vowel sounds among words.
To state the most important ideas, details, and events in a text in your own words.
A reader's question or comment about a text written directly on the text.
No. You can get a pass to the office to contact whomever you need to.
When should you charge your laptop?
At home! If you need to charge in my room, then you need to bring your charger!
Words whose sounds imitate their meaning
The final outcome of a story's conflict.
An idea formed by combining textual evidence and one's own reasoning and background knowledge
When is it an appropriate time to interrupt Mrs. Davis?
An emergency!
When should you move seats?
When Mrs. Davis tells you to.
Directly compares two seemingly unlike things WITHOUT using like or as
a hint in the surrounding text that can help a reader infer the meaning of an unfamiliar word, phrase, or description
Context Clue
What does the bell ringing signify?
Then end or beginning of class.
No. Let's stop wasting time trying to get our way.
A grouped set of lines in a poem, set apart with a line of space.
Giving human characteristics to non-human things.
text that provides a clue to the meaning of a word through a contrast
Contrast Context Clue