What town is Honey Creek in?
Ann Arbor
Who are the 2/3 teachers?
Josh, Madeline & Ella
Where should your coat and backpack be?
In your cubby
What is the best college in the world?
Michigan State
What was the name of the teacher who turned the students into apples in Wayside School?
Ms. Gorf
Who is the principal and executive director?
Joe and Sue
Who are the 2/3 IA's?
Jayln, Seamus & Karen
What should you be doing during read aloud? (bonus points: what CAN'T you do during read aloud?)
Be quiet, work on your own, listen (Bonus: you can't read your own books during read aloud)
What is Josh's favorite food?
What is the name of the stuffed animal zombie?
Jimmy John's
What other TWO schools are attached to Honey Creek?
High Point & Gretchen's House
What color hallway are we in?
What should you do if you finish something early?
Find something quiet to do on your own
What kind of pet does Josh have? (Bonus points: what color is it?)
Cat (black)
What kind of food does the lunch room serve every Tuesday?
Who are the two social workers at Honey Creek?
Olivia & Lauren
What do you get to do in 2/3 that no one else gets to do in the whole school?
Token Sale
What are your 3 jobs every morning?
Planner, Math/ELA Buzz, Lunch Count
What two words will Josh never say?
Go Blue
How many sets of siblings are there in 2/3?
5 (Leland & Sky, Otis & Charlie, Daniel & Anna, Arthur & Alys, Matthew & Maddie)
Name 5 teachers from 4/5 or Middle School
Amy, Tracey, David, Chris, Josh, Andi & Lou
What is our room number?
Name 3 rules for our line in the hallway
Quiet, straight, share the hallway, walk don't run, stay together, don't cut
Who is Josh related to at Honey Creek? (Bonus points if you can name all 3!)
Josh H. (IA), Lucy (8th grade), Emme (8th grade)